EveKit - SDE 2019-06-25 released

EveKit’s API for the SDE has just been upgraded to the 2019-02-19 SDE release. More details on the blog post here.

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If EveKit has seemed less than fresh lately, that’s because the DB replica which serves data through the EveKit API stopped replicating about a week ago and I missed the alert. It’s back up again and starting to catch up but will take several hours to reflect the latest state.

Note that this is the replica, not the primary which is fine and has continued to collect your data as usual. In other words, we didn’t lose any data, we just weren’t serving the latest data in our queries.

Apologies for the outage.


As of this morning, the replica is now caught up and things should be back to normal. Apologies once again for the outage.

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This morning we deployed a minor change to EveKit to pick up changes to the Fitting Item model in the latest ESI (as of 2019-03-25). The “flag” property of the Fitting Item model has been changed from an integer to an enumerated string type. Going forward, EveKit will populate the new enumerated values. As part of the update, we converted all historical Fitting Item models to the appropriate enumerated flag values. These updates will appear immediately in your data, and should appear in nightly snapshots over the next 24 hours.

EveKit has long had a feature where we produce a daily snapshot of all your data in CSV form. You can download this snapshot if you prefer to work with your data in spreadsheet form instead of through the web APIs.

This feature is rarely used. No one has downloaded a snapshot in several months and it doesn’t appear that anyone relies on this feature for anything critical. Therefore, we are moving the snapshot frequency to weekly instead of daily. We will continue to monitor usage and may eliminate the feature completely in the future.

This change will roll out sometime today. We’ll post again when the change is complete.

This update has been completed.

As of last night, EveKit will now record the “title” field that was recently included in the Character Sheet endpoint. For historic data, this field will be populated with the empty string. This field will appear in the next weekly CSV snapshot generated for your accounts.

EveKit’s API for the SDE has just been upgraded to the 2019-05-16 SDE release. More details on the blog post here

EveKit’s API for the SDE has just been upgraded to the 2019-05-29 SDE release. More details on the blog post here

CCP applied a minor fix to reprocessing portion size for certain ammo types (exotic plasma). I have manually applied these changes to the 2019-05-29 SDE provided by EveKit. You can read more details about the change here.

Announcing: EveKit Applications! First up, an EveMon clone…

TL;DR you can now monitor your character skill queues within EveKit. We’d love for you to give it a try and send us feedback. We’re also interested in hearing about other applications you think would be valuable.

EveKit was originally designed to be a backend for other third party applications. The idea was that EveKit would handle the hard work of retrieving and retaining account data (including complete history) so that other tools could focus on application functionality (and nice interfaces). jEveAssets is one example of a third party desktop application that can be configured to use EveKit as a backend. Much to our surprise, however, there are no web applications (that we’re aware of) that use EveKit as a backend. So we decided to start writing some…

Starting today, if you login to EveKit, you’ll see a new “Applications” menu on the left hand side. If you expand this menu you’ll see one application called “Skill Monitor”. “Skill Monitor” is a simple EveMon clone. You can’t use it to plan training or other fancy stuff (like the real EveMon), but you can use it to view your trained skills, your current queue, and when your queue will finish.

Using “Skill Monitor” is very simple:

  • You need to have an EveKit character account for any account you wish to monitor.
  • Your character accounts should enable at least the following scopes:
    • esi-clones.read_implants.v1
    • esi-skills.read_skills.v1
    • esi-skills.read_skillqueue.v1
    • esi-wallet.read_character_wallet.v1
  • Your character accounts should have at least one EveKit access key which enables access to:
    • account balance
    • character sheet
    • skills

Clicking the ‘+’ button in the application will show a list of all EveKit accounts eligible for monitoring. If something is missing, then you’re either missing a needed scope or a needed EveKit access key permission. NOTE: if you’re creating an EveKit character account for the first time, or adding a missing scope to an existing account, then it will take EveKit 5-10 minutes to start synchronizing the new data.

Once you add an account, you should see a very EveMon-like view of your character’s skills and skill queue. You can use the tabs to see a detailed view of each character. You can use the ‘x’ near the characters name in the tabs to stop monitoring a character.

Whether you’re an existing EveKit user, or trying it out for the first time, we’d love for you to try out our EveMon clone and send us feedback. We’re also interested in what other applications would be useful.

Fly safe!

EveKit’s API for the SDE has just been upgraded to the 2019-06-25 SDE release. More details on the blog post here.

IMPORTANT: the volumes table (invVolumes) is not quite correct in this release. Steve’s conversion failed to create this table properly and we haven’t had time to fix it yet. Rather than delay the release, we decided to push the 20190625 release using the invVolumes table from the 20190529 release. We will post again once we have this table fixed .

EveKit’s API for the SDE has just been upgraded to the 2019-09-11 SDE release. More details on the blog post here.

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