I installde 4.0.12 over 4.0.9 (Following the installer’s instructions) and cleared cache and added again the ESI keys by logging in. After few minutes, EVEmon tells me that i need to login again, and in ESI keys i see “no access token”
Ok, so partially inspired by this post, I just created a simple EveMon clone for EveKit which you can read about here. It has all the usual skill queue monitoring stuff, but doesn’t have EveMon’s extensive skill planning support or other extras. I also didn’t implement notifications, although that would be easy to do.
The “copy skills to Clipboard (BB)” isnt working correctly.
You can copy the skills, but none of the images is shown ( lvl1-5 trained / skillcat. not shown )
any ideas?
Could we get the implant calculator in the skill planner fixed or have the ability to change the implants of the active clone as it used to be really useful for seeing how much time is saved when upgrading implants but now I cannot get it to increase above current.
Seeing as most of my alpha clones are in +1s I can’t easily find out how much time I save by going to +2s
Were you ever able to resolve this?
Custom jump clones can be used to simulate how implants would affect your skill plan.
Hi and thanks for a great character management app - is there a way to make it remember it’s own settings (window row sort order specifically) because every time I turn my computer on it resets everything to default, and then I have to go through and click sort by shortest time interval for 6 characters (in BPO research window). Thanks
During the (Dropbox) cloud storage authentication process I get the following error message:
“Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.json, version=,”
I filled in the code I get from the dropbox link, then press “Apply Auth code” and this error appears above the Auth Code box.
Any ideas?
How can I make Windows 10 stop spamming me with error messages in bottom right corner every time I launch EVEMon? I don’t get those messages on my second computer (also running Windows 10), though I don’t remember what I did to disable them.
Are Char skill plans stored in a file that I can move to another computer all at once? Or would I have to manually export each plan & then import it on the new computer?
----------------- ( Solved) -------------------------------
Evemon user data is stored in /roaming/evemon folder
- I copied the user .xml files in the cache/xml subfolder but that didn’t add the plans (so next time I would try it without this step)
- I copied the ‘settings.xml’ file from the Evemon folder and the plans were successfully migrated
Feature Request:
- in Skill Planner -> Skill Browser (no sorting) -> right click menu on a skill group, e.g. Armor -> Plan all to 3
The only file you want to transfer is settings.xml. Cache is just that, cache of API calls’ results.
Version 4.0.13 has been released, with updated links in the original post. Users of version 4.0.1 or later will receive an automatic update prompt. Users of earlier versions should install over using the EXE file in the release (not the ZIP), but see the warnings in the OP.
The latest CCP Static Data Export (SDE) available dates back to June so unfortunately some of the latest game changes will not be present in EVEMon. However, this release does fix bugs, some introduced by recent changes to ESI.
API Error:
Error looking up character identities.
HTTP error: A request to esi.evetech.net failed with status: 404 (Not Found).
EVEMon.Common.Net.HttpWebClientServiceException: A request to esi.evetech.net failed with status: 404 (Not Found). —> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Der Antwortstatuscode gibt keinen Erfolg an: 404 (Not Found).
bei System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode()
bei EVEMon.Common.Net.HttpClientServiceRequest.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(HttpResponseMessage response)
bei EVEMon.Common.Net.HttpClientServiceRequest.d__8.MoveNext()
— Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung —
bei EVEMon.Common.Net.HttpClientServiceRequest.d__8.MoveNext()
— Ende der Stapelüberwachung vom vorhergehenden Ort, an dem die Ausnahme ausgelöst wurde —
bei System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
bei System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
bei EVEMon.Common.Net.HttpWebClientService.d__11`1.MoveNext()
If i import the following plan to the ingame training queue, it doesnt stay in the same order. I dont know why, but i think its not a fault of your wonderful program (evemon):
Amarr Battleship III
Gallente Battleship III
Minmatar Battleship III
Gunnery V
Large Energy Turret I
Large Hybrid Turret I
Large Precursor Weapon I
Large Projectile Turret I
Large Energy Turret II
Large Hybrid Turret II
Large Precursor Weapon II
Large Projectile Turret II
Large Energy Turret III
Large Hybrid Turret III
Large Precursor Weapon III
Large Projectile Turret III
Sensor Linking IV
Signal Suppression I
Signal Suppression II
Signal Suppression III
Target Painting IV
Signature Focusing I
Signature Focusing II
Signature Focusing III
Weapon Disruption IV
Weapon Destabilization I
Weapon Destabilization II
Weapon Destabilization III
Drone Interfacing IV
Sentry Drone Interfacing I
Sentry Drone Interfacing II
Sentry Drone Interfacing III
Spaceship Command V
Precursor Battleship I
Precursor Battleship II
Precursor Battleship III
If i right click on wing command in the skill browser, i get this error:
EVEMon Version:
.NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.42000
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.17763.0
Executable Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\EVEMon\EVEMon.exe"
System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
bei EVEMon.SkillPlanner.SkillBrowserControl.UpdateContent()
bei EVEMon.SkillPlanner.SkillBrowserControl.skillSelectControl_SelectedSkillChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)
bei EVEMon.Common.Extensions.EventHandlerExtensions.ThreadSafeInvoke[T](EventHandler`1 eventHandler, Object sender, T e)
bei EVEMon.SkillPlanner.SkillSelectControl.UpdateSelection(Object selection)
bei System.Windows.Forms.TreeView.OnAfterSelect(TreeViewEventArgs e)
bei EVEMon.Common.Controls.TreeView.SelectNode(TreeNode tn, Boolean select, TreeViewAction tva)
bei EVEMon.Common.Controls.TreeView.ProcessNodeRange(TreeNode startNode, TreeNode endNode, MouseEventArgs e, Keys keys, TreeViewAction tva, Boolean allowStartEdit)
bei EVEMon.Common.Controls.TreeView.OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
bei System.Windows.Forms.TreeView.WmMouseDown(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
bei System.Windows.Forms.TreeView.WndProc(Message& m)
bei System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
Datafile report:
eve-blueprints-en-US.xml.gzip (226KiB - 43d1a14dab27b26ff69c3045a7a9a5b0)
eve-certificates-en-US.xml.gzip (45KiB - 540000f7c111354769a54fa31e57d411)
eve-geography-en-US.xml.gzip (1010KiB - 8de7aa1e9c6f39800e0860077302ec21)
eve-items-en-US.xml.gzip (2558KiB - 1bbe94c88368d70fd0a4b6f069d99da7)
eve-masteries-en-US.xml.gzip (21KiB - 3668b50996fc40a0c0853fec427b5712)
eve-properties-en-US.xml.gzip (62KiB - 9588388c2309c01eb99aa974e4bdb824)
eve-reprocessing-en-US.xml.gzip (111KiB - 662c9c149b5b35362f7b52546c89d6b7)
eve-skills-en-US.xml.gzip (24KiB - 48e837bfe4a365d6d41da82e813db001)
Diagnostic Log:
0d 0h 00m 00s > Starting up
0d 0h 00m 00s > EveMonClient.Initialize - begin
0d 0h 00m 00s > Program.StartupAsync - done
0d 0h 00m 00s > Settings.TryDeserializeFromFile - begin
0d 0h 00m 00s > Settings.TryDeserializeFromFile - done
0d 0h 00m 00s > Settings.Import - begin
0d 0h 00m 00s > EveMonClient.OnSchedulerChanged
0d 0h 00m 00s > Settings.Import - done
0d 0h 00m 00s > EveMonClient.OnSettingsChanged
0d 0h 00m 00s > Main loop - start
0d 0h 00m 00s > MainWindow.OnLoad
0d 0h 00m 00s > TimeCheck.ScheduleCheck - in 00:00:01
0d 0h 00m 00s > UpdateManager.ScheduleCheck - in 00:00:10
0d 0h 00m 00s > Main window - loaded
0d 0h 00m 00s > Datafiles.Load - begin
0d 0h 00m 01s > TimeCheck.BeginCheckAsync
0d 0h 00m 01s > TimeCheck.OnCheckCompleted - Synchronised
0d 0h 00m 01s > TimeCheck.ScheduleCheck - in 1.00:00:00
0d 0h 00m 01s > EveMonClient.OnServerStatusUpdated
0d 0h 00m 03s > Datafiles.Load - done
0d 0h 00m 03s > Settings.ImportData - begin
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterImplantSetCollectionChanged - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterSkillQueueUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterImplantSetCollectionChanged - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterSkillQueueUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterImplantSetCollectionChanged - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterSkillQueueUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterImplantSetCollectionChanged - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterSkillQueueUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterImplantSetCollectionChanged - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterSkillQueueUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterImplantSetCollectionChanged - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterSkillQueueUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - test
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterImplantSetCollectionChanged - test
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - test
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterCollectionChanged
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyCollectionChanged
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanCollectionChanged - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanCollectionChanged - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanCollectionChanged - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanCollectionChanged - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanCollectionChanged - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanCollectionChanged - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanCollectionChanged - test
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnMonitoredCharactersChanged
0d 0h 00m 04s > EveMonClient.OnMonitoredCharactersChanged
0d 0h 00m 04s > EveMonClient.OnNotificationSent - Error looking up character identities.
0d 0h 00m 04s > EveMonClient.OnMonitoredCharactersChanged
0d 0h 00m 04s > EveMonClient.OnMonitoredCharactersChanged
0d 0h 00m 04s > EveMonClient.OnNotificationSent - Error looking up character identities.
0d 0h 00m 04s > EveMonClient.OnEveIDToNameUpdated
0d 0h 00m 04s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterInfoUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 04s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterInfoUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 04s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterInfoUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 04s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterInfoUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 04s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterInfoUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 04s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterInfoUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 05s > EveMonClient.OnMonitoredCharactersChanged
0d 0h 00m 05s > EveMonClient.OnNotificationSent - Error looking up character identities.
0d 0h 00m 05s > EveMonClient.OnMonitoredCharactersChanged
0d 0h 00m 05s > EveMonClient.OnMonitoredCharactersChanged
0d 0h 00m 05s > EveMonClient.OnNotificationSent - Error looking up character identities.
0d 0h 00m 05s > EveMonClient.OnEveIDToNameUpdated
0d 0h 00m 06s > Settings.ImportData - done
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnSettingsChanged
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterListUpdated - 132104419329188447 (Killerbombe)
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyCollectionChanged
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnNotificationInvalidated
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyInfoUpdated - 132104419329188447 (Killerbombe)
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterListUpdated - 132104419175670955 (Atom Bombe)
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyCollectionChanged
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyInfoUpdated - 132104419175670955 (Atom Bombe)
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterListUpdated - 132104418954822821 (Hari Mari)
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyCollectionChanged
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyInfoUpdated - 132104418954822821 (Hari Mari)
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterListUpdated - 132104418557641281 (Sara Jayden)
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyCollectionChanged
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyInfoUpdated - 132104418557641281 (Sara Jayden)
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterListUpdated - 132104419055453029 (Hans0815)
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyCollectionChanged
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyInfoUpdated - 132104419055453029 (Hans0815)
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterListUpdated - 132104419254466648 (Kernwaffe)
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyCollectionChanged
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyInfoUpdated - 132104419254466648 (Kernwaffe)
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterMarketOrdersUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnMarketOrdersUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterLoyaltyPointsUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterIndustryJobsUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnIndustryJobsUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterIndustryJobsUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnIndustryJobsUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterResearchPointsUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterLoyaltyPointsUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnNotificationSent - Error looking up character identities.
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterIndustryJobsUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnIndustryJobsUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterResearchPointsUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterResearchPointsUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterIndustryJobsUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnIndustryJobsUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterEVENotificationsUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterResearchPointsUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterEVEMailMessagesUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > CitadelStationProvider.FetchIDs - ESI lookup for 1027787293942 using 132104418557641281 (Sara Jayden)
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterMarketOrdersUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnMarketOrdersUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanetaryColoniesUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterEVENotificationsUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanetaryColoniesUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanetaryColoniesUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterIndustryJobsUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnIndustryJobsUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterLoyaltyPointsUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterEVEMailMessagesUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterEVEMailMessagesUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterEVEMailMessagesUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterResearchPointsUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanetaryColoniesUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterMarketOrdersUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnMarketOrdersUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterMarketOrdersUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnMarketOrdersUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterEVENotificationsUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterEVENotificationsUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnNotificationSent - Error looking up character identities.
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnNotificationInvalidated
0d 0h 00m 07s > CitadelStationProvider.FetchIDs - ESI lookup for 1027787293942 using 132104419175670955 (Atom Bombe)
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterLoyaltyPointsUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterResearchPointsUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterIndustryJobsUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnIndustryJobsUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterMarketOrdersUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnMarketOrdersUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterLoyaltyPointsUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterEVENotificationsUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterEVEMailMessagesUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterEVENotificationsUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanetaryColoniesUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterMarketOrdersUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnMarketOrdersUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterEVEMailMessagesUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 08s > EveMonClient.OnNotificationSent - Error looking up character identities.
0d 0h 00m 08s > EveMonClient.OnConquerableStationListUpdated
0d 0h 00m 08s > EveMonClient.OnNotificationSent - Error looking up character identities.
0d 0h 00m 08s > EveMonClient.OnEveIDToNameUpdated
0d 0h 00m 08s > EveMonClient.OnNotificationInvalidated
0d 0h 00m 08s > CitadelStationProvider.OnQueryStationUpdated - Citadel Hunt failed for 1027787293942
0d 0h 00m 08s > EveMonClient.OnConquerableStationListUpdated
0d 0h 00m 10s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterLoyaltyPointsUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 10s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanetaryColoniesUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 11s > UpdateManager.OnCheckCompleted
0d 0h 00m 11s > UpdateManager.ScheduleCheck - in 12:00:00
0d 0h 00m 31s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Atom Bombe
I have had sticky issues with EveMon 4.x (since Peter took over) On my laptop Ideapad4 (8GB ram max) it really bogs out and doesn’t run well with my 60+ characters… I have had it corrupt it’s own data file where I have had to go in manually and find it’s data wipe it and start over because the program won’t run even on an uninstall / reinstall.
Are there plans to make it work better on Potato’s? ( Maybe a way to uncheck certain unused accounts to get it to load faster, or stay cached mode and only update characters selected?)
Most recent issue, I restored a settings file from a working evemon on another more robust computer, waited for it to sync cache (15 minutes), then proceed to use evemon normally for the day. (Until I wanted to run more than 2 eve clients needed my 2GB of ram back.) Closed Evemon as I was done with it for the day.
Next day open Evemon and there is nothing… as if it was the first run of the program.
Today I turned on could sync (btw, I was unable to find documentation on that feature.) Things seem to be running normally for now.
Even though this is a “problem complaint” I want to thank you for picking up this project and continuing it on. All the Dev’s that work on this program, THANK YOU!!!
60+ characters?
Jeeze, no wonder there’s a problem.
If you’re willing to try a different tool, I’m curious if EveKit could handle this. There is a “Skill Monitor” app, but I haven’t tried it with more than 10 characters. It doesn’t have near as many features as EVEMon, but it works as a simple skill monitor.
Is there any website, where you can plan skills?