EVEMon 4.0.20 - ESI Edition

I get error very often, for example this, if i click somewhere:

EVEMon Version:
.NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.42000
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.17763.0
Executable Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\EVEMon\EVEMon.exe" 
System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
   bei EVEMon.SkillPlanner.SkillBrowserControl.UpdateContent()
   bei EVEMon.SkillPlanner.SkillBrowserControl.skillSelectControl_SelectedSkillChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   bei EVEMon.Common.Extensions.EventHandlerExtensions.ThreadSafeInvoke[T](EventHandler`1 eventHandler, Object sender, T e)
   bei EVEMon.SkillPlanner.SkillSelectControl.UpdateSelection(Object selection)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.TreeView.OnAfterSelect(TreeViewEventArgs e)
   bei EVEMon.Common.Controls.TreeView.SelectNode(TreeNode tn, Boolean select, TreeViewAction tva)
   bei EVEMon.Common.Controls.TreeView.ProcessNodeRange(TreeNode startNode, TreeNode endNode, MouseEventArgs e, Keys keys, TreeViewAction tva, Boolean allowStartEdit)
   bei EVEMon.Common.Controls.TreeView.OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.TreeView.WmMouseDown(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.TreeView.WndProc(Message& m)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

Datafile report:
  eve-blueprints-en-US.xml.gzip (226KiB - 43d1a14dab27b26ff69c3045a7a9a5b0)
  eve-certificates-en-US.xml.gzip (45KiB - 540000f7c111354769a54fa31e57d411)
  eve-geography-en-US.xml.gzip (1010KiB - 8de7aa1e9c6f39800e0860077302ec21)
  eve-items-en-US.xml.gzip (2558KiB - 1bbe94c88368d70fd0a4b6f069d99da7)
  eve-masteries-en-US.xml.gzip (21KiB - 3668b50996fc40a0c0853fec427b5712)
  eve-properties-en-US.xml.gzip (62KiB - 9588388c2309c01eb99aa974e4bdb824)
  eve-reprocessing-en-US.xml.gzip (111KiB - 662c9c149b5b35362f7b52546c89d6b7)
  eve-skills-en-US.xml.gzip (24KiB - 48e837bfe4a365d6d41da82e813db001)

Diagnostic Log:
0d 0h 00m 00s > Starting up
0d 0h 00m 00s > EveMonClient.Initialize - begin
0d 0h 00m 00s > Program.StartupAsync - done
0d 0h 00m 00s > Settings.TryDeserializeFromFile - begin
0d 0h 00m 00s > Settings.TryDeserializeFromFile - done
0d 0h 00m 00s > Settings.Import - begin
0d 0h 00m 00s > EveMonClient.OnSchedulerChanged
0d 0h 00m 00s > Settings.Import - done
0d 0h 00m 00s > EveMonClient.OnSettingsChanged
0d 0h 00m 00s > Main loop - start
0d 0h 00m 00s > MainWindow.OnLoad
0d 0h 00m 00s > TimeCheck.ScheduleCheck - in 00:00:01
0d 0h 00m 00s > UpdateManager.ScheduleCheck - in 00:00:10
0d 0h 00m 00s > Main window - loaded
0d 0h 00m 00s > Datafiles.Load - begin
0d 0h 00m 01s > TimeCheck.BeginCheckAsync
0d 0h 00m 01s > TimeCheck.OnCheckCompleted - Synchronised
0d 0h 00m 01s > TimeCheck.ScheduleCheck - in 1.00:00:00
0d 0h 00m 01s > EveMonClient.OnServerStatusUpdated
0d 0h 00m 03s > Datafiles.Load - done
0d 0h 00m 03s > Settings.ImportData - begin
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterImplantSetCollectionChanged - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterSkillQueueUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterImplantSetCollectionChanged - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterSkillQueueUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterImplantSetCollectionChanged - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterSkillQueueUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterImplantSetCollectionChanged - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterSkillQueueUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterImplantSetCollectionChanged - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterSkillQueueUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterImplantSetCollectionChanged - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterSkillQueueUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - test
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterImplantSetCollectionChanged - test
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - test
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterCollectionChanged
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyCollectionChanged
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanCollectionChanged - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanCollectionChanged - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanCollectionChanged - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanCollectionChanged - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanCollectionChanged - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanCollectionChanged - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanCollectionChanged - test
0d 0h 00m 03s > EveMonClient.OnMonitoredCharactersChanged
0d 0h 00m 04s > EveMonClient.OnMonitoredCharactersChanged
0d 0h 00m 04s > EveMonClient.OnEveIDToNameUpdated
0d 0h 00m 04s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterInfoUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 04s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterInfoUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 04s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterInfoUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 04s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterInfoUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 04s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterInfoUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 04s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterInfoUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 04s > EveMonClient.OnMonitoredCharactersChanged
0d 0h 00m 04s > EveMonClient.OnMonitoredCharactersChanged
0d 0h 00m 05s > EveMonClient.OnMonitoredCharactersChanged
0d 0h 00m 05s > EveMonClient.OnMonitoredCharactersChanged
0d 0h 00m 05s > EveMonClient.OnMonitoredCharactersChanged
0d 0h 00m 05s > Settings.ImportData - done
0d 0h 00m 05s > EveMonClient.OnSettingsChanged
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterListUpdated - 132104419055453029 (Hans0815)
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyCollectionChanged
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyInfoUpdated - 132104419055453029 (Hans0815)
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterListUpdated - 132104419175670955 (Atom Bombe)
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyCollectionChanged
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyInfoUpdated - 132104419175670955 (Atom Bombe)
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterListUpdated - 132104419254466648 (Kernwaffe)
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyCollectionChanged
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyInfoUpdated - 132104419254466648 (Kernwaffe)
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterListUpdated - 132104418557641281 (Sara Jayden)
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyCollectionChanged
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyInfoUpdated - 132104418557641281 (Sara Jayden)
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterListUpdated - 132104419329188447 (Killerbombe)
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyCollectionChanged
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyInfoUpdated - 132104419329188447 (Killerbombe)
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterListUpdated - 132104418954822821 (Hari Mari)
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyCollectionChanged
0d 0h 00m 06s > EveMonClient.OnESIKeyInfoUpdated - 132104418954822821 (Hari Mari)
0d 0h 00m 07s > CitadelStationProvider.FetchIDs - ESI lookup for 1024760345556 using 132104419175670955 (Atom Bombe)
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterLoyaltyPointsUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterIndustryJobsUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnIndustryJobsUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterResearchPointsUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterMarketOrdersUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnMarketOrdersUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanetaryColoniesUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterIndustryJobsUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnIndustryJobsUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterEVENotificationsUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterIndustryJobsUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnIndustryJobsUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterResearchPointsUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterLoyaltyPointsUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanetaryColoniesUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterResearchPointsUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterIndustryJobsUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnIndustryJobsUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterMarketOrdersUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnMarketOrdersUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterMarketOrdersUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnMarketOrdersUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterMarketOrdersUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnMarketOrdersUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterLoyaltyPointsUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterMarketOrdersUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnMarketOrdersUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterResearchPointsUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterEVENotificationsUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterResearchPointsUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterEVEMailMessagesUpdated - Hans0815
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterEVEMailMessagesUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterResearchPointsUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterEVEMailMessagesUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterIndustryJobsUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnIndustryJobsUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanetaryColoniesUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 07s > CitadelStationProvider.FetchIDs - ESI lookup for 1027787293942 using 132104419175670955 (Atom Bombe)
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterEVENotificationsUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterEVENotificationsUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanetaryColoniesUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterMarketOrdersUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnMarketOrdersUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterLoyaltyPointsUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterLoyaltyPointsUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnConquerableStationListUpdated
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterLoyaltyPointsUpdated - Kernwaffe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanetaryColoniesUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterEVENotificationsUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterEVENotificationsUpdated - Sara Jayden
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterIndustryJobsUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnIndustryJobsUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterEVEMailMessagesUpdated - Atom Bombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterPlanetaryColoniesUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterEVEMailMessagesUpdated - Hari Mari
0d 0h 00m 07s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterEVEMailMessagesUpdated - Killerbombe
0d 0h 00m 08s > CitadelStationProvider.OnQueryStationUpdated - Citadel Hunt failed for 1027787293942
0d 0h 00m 08s > EveMonClient.OnConquerableStationListUpdated
0d 0h 00m 08s > EveMonClient.OnEveIDToNameUpdated
0d 0h 00m 11s > UpdateManager.OnCheckCompleted
0d 0h 00m 11s > UpdateManager.ScheduleCheck - in 12:00:00
0d 0h 00m 20s > EveMonClient.OnPlanChanged - caldari missile shield 2
0d 0h 00m 33s > EveMonClient.OnCharacterUpdated - Atom Bombe
1 Like

Please check the version of your .Net framework. Update, if an update is available.
Reinstall, if not.
Also, for the love of all that is holy, use spoilers on long dumps…

1 Like

I already reinstalled evemon, but it doesnt help, is this net framework ok?

Installed .NET Framework-Versions :

File:             C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\mscorwks.dll
InternalName:     mscorwks.dll
OriginalFilename: mscorwks.dll
FileVersion:      2.0.50727.9040 (WinRelRS5.050727-9000)
FileDescription:  Microsoft .NET Runtime Common Language Runtime - WorkStation
Product:          MicrosoftÂŽ .NET Framework
ProductVersion:   2.0.50727.9040
Debug:            False
Patched:          False
PreRelease:       False
PrivateBuild:     False
SpecialBuild:     False
Language:         Englisch (Vereinigte Staaten)

File:             C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v3.5.dll
InternalName:     Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v3.5.dll
OriginalFilename: Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v3.5.dll
FileVersion:      3.5.30729.9034 built by: WinRelRS5
FileDescription:  Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v3.5.dll
Product:          MicrosoftÂŽ .NET Framework
ProductVersion:   3.5.30729.9034
Debug:            False
Patched:          False
PreRelease:       False
PrivateBuild:     True
SpecialBuild:     False
Language:         Englisch (Vereinigte Staaten)

File:             C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll
InternalName:     Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll
OriginalFilename: Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll
FileVersion:      4.7.3190.0 built by: NET472REL1LAST_C
FileDescription:  Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll
Product:          MicrosoftÂŽ .NET Framework
ProductVersion:   4.7.3190.0
Debug:            False
Patched:          False
PreRelease:       False
PrivateBuild:     True
SpecialBuild:     False
Language:         Englisch (Vereinigte Staaten)
1 Like

That should be sufficient.

1 Like

Is there an outlook to implementing some of the fitting site alternatives to Osmium?


I must admit I’ve not gone through more than the last 3 pages here…

I’ve an issue when I run the Update prompted by EvEMon upon launch, where the installation never completes, and it just deletes the old files, and doesn’t install the new ones. vOv

Also, the download link in the OP is pointing to .13, as opposed to the new .14 version


1 Like

hey how do i Remove my broken evemon with all the characters and character data
ive tried uninstalling several ways

i have like 40 accounts and recently evemon broke
i know the reasons and why i just need to have it working for some of them characters

1 Like

If you have corrupted your settings.xml, there should be a backup.
If that fails, and if you are familiar with XML structure, it’s fairly easy to repair by hands.
The settings file is located in the %AppData%\EveMon directory. Just enter that into an Explorer address bar. You’ll land at the right place.

1 Like

Installed .14 today. Get a 404 when trying to load shipfits from o.sium.org looks like it’s down. Is there a fix for fit pulls?

1 Like

hey… could you add an extra tab / feature with listing SKINs same as the skills a char has?

as collector of skins, it is hard to keep up if its only ingame to browse and looking for.

might be a very nice idea if evemon let the player see skin preview as well, but at least the list for each “faction” would be very welcome…

what i either not see is any information / feature for any of my citadels / stations i run…

please keep on with your updating and nice tool… it kept me to come back into eve after 8y :slight_smile:

thnx a lot

1 Like

seems 4.0.14 doesn’t like updating skills. I’ve finished training multiple skills on several toons and don’t see the “remove obsolete entries” option on any of my plans, yet the completed skills are still there.

In the last few days, everytime I start EVEMon all the columns on all my characters get disabled. This is really weird since there were no recent updates to EVEMon. Why is this happening?

Would it be possible to add a feature that allows assigning characters to a group, and have a tab like “Overview” that just shows characters in the group?

I’m not sure if anyone has addressed this yet (TLDR) but contracts don’t work like they used to.
Open contracts do not appear anymore, and you can only find completed ones by enabling them in the contracts options.
This just me?

1 Like

Maybe more people would like to see Evemon with plugin for Skin Collector?

Thnx, Ping

Hi, anyone knows how to update portrait? I reinstalled the program deleted all settings/cache and I get only blank character portrait after ESI import.
Thanks, MK

Linux Mint / Wine user here. Installation finished but when trying to start EVEMon it gives this error:

EVEMon Version:
.NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.42000
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601.65536
Executable Path: “C:\Program Files (x86)\EVEMon\EVEMon.exe”
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Success.
) —> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException:Success.

Error Summary

at System.Net.Sockets.Socket…ctor (System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily addressFamily, System.Net.Sockets.SocketType socketType, System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType protocolType) [0x00069] in :0
at System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.SendPrivileged (System.Net.IPAddress address, System.Int32 timeout, System.Byte buffer, System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions options) [0x00008] in :0
at System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.Send (System.Net.IPAddress address, System.Int32 timeout, System.Byte buffer, System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions options) [0x0004c] in :0
at System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.Send (System.String hostNameOrAddress, System.Int32 timeout, System.Byte buffer, System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions options) [0x00007] in :0
at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.Send(string,int,byte,System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions)
at EVEMon.Common.Net.NetworkMonitor.IsNetworkAvailableManual () [0x0001f] in <2916cbf07673458e89d5f54d24cc44b3>:0
at EVEMon.Common.Net.NetworkMonitor.Initialize () [0x00035] in <2916cbf07673458e89d5f54d24cc44b3>:0
at EVEMon.Common.EveMonClient.Initialize () [0x00019] in <2916cbf07673458e89d5f54d24cc44b3>:0
at EVEMon.Program.StartupAsync () [0x00091] in <7d50f896850c4068b22ca1e7b6acdd62>:0
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional (System.Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions) [0x00011] in :0
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait (System.Int32 millisecondsTimeout, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x00043] in :0
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait () [0x00000] in :0
at EVEMon.Program.Main () [0x00005] in <7d50f896850c4068b22ca1e7b6acdd62>:0
—> (Inner Exception #0) System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): Success.

at System.Net.Sockets.Socket…ctor (System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily addressFamily, System.Net.Sockets.SocketType socketType, System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType protocolType) [0x00069] in :0
at System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.SendPrivileged (System.Net.IPAddress address, System.Int32 timeout, System.Byte buffer, System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions options) [0x00008] in :0
at System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.Send (System.Net.IPAddress address, System.Int32 timeout, System.Byte buffer, System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions options) [0x0004c] in :0
at System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.Send (System.String hostNameOrAddress, System.Int32 timeout, System.Byte buffer, System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions options) [0x00007] in :0
at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.Send(string,int,byte,System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions)
at EVEMon.Common.Net.NetworkMonitor.IsNetworkAvailableManual () [0x0001f] in <2916cbf07673458e89d5f54d24cc44b3>:0
at EVEMon.Common.Net.NetworkMonitor.Initialize () [0x00035] in <2916cbf07673458e89d5f54d24cc44b3>:0
at EVEMon.Common.EveMonClient.Initialize () [0x00019] in <2916cbf07673458e89d5f54d24cc44b3>:0
at EVEMon.Program.StartupAsync () [0x00091] in <7d50f896850c4068b22ca1e7b6acdd62>:0 <—

System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): Success.

at System.Net.Sockets.Socket…ctor (System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily addressFamily, System.Net.Sockets.SocketType socketType, System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType protocolType) [0x00069] in :0
at System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.SendPrivileged (System.Net.IPAddress address, System.Int32 timeout, System.Byte buffer, System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions options) [0x00008] in :0
at System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.Send (System.Net.IPAddress address, System.Int32 timeout, System.Byte buffer, System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions options) [0x0004c] in :0
at System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.Send (System.String hostNameOrAddress, System.Int32 timeout, System.Byte buffer, System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions options) [0x00007] in :0
at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.Send(string,int,byte,System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions)
at EVEMon.Common.Net.NetworkMonitor.IsNetworkAvailableManual () [0x0001f] in <2916cbf07673458e89d5f54d24cc44b3>:0
at EVEMon.Common.Net.NetworkMonitor.Initialize () [0x00035] in <2916cbf07673458e89d5f54d24cc44b3>:0
at EVEMon.Common.EveMonClient.Initialize () [0x00019] in <2916cbf07673458e89d5f54d24cc44b3>:0
at EVEMon.Program.StartupAsync () [0x00091] in <7d50f896850c4068b22ca1e7b6acdd62>:0

Datafile report:

Diagnostic Log:
0d 0h 00m 00s > Starting up
0d 0h 00m 00s > EveMonClient.Initialize - begin

0d 0h 00m 00s > ExceptionHandler.LogException - Handled exception
System.EntryPointNotFoundException: CreateNLSocket assembly: type: member:(null)
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Net.NetworkInformation.LinuxNetworkChange.CreateNLSocket()
at System.Net.NetworkInformation.LinuxNetworkChange.EnsureSocket () [0x00021] in :0
at System.Net.NetworkInformation.LinuxNetworkChange.Register (System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler d) [0x00000] in :0
at System.Net.NetworkInformation.LinuxNetworkChange.add_NetworkAvailabilityChanged (System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler value) [0x00000] in :0
at System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkChange.add_NetworkAvailabilityChanged (System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler value) [0x00021] in :0
at EVEMon.Common.Net.NetworkMonitor.Initialize () [0x0001c] in <2916cbf07673458e89d5f54d24cc44b3>:0

Windows Defender detected a Trojan in 4.0.15:


Hopefully a false positive (Malwarebytes scan came up clean) but please confirm.

i also got the same report of the trojan in the uninstall.exe program after the automatic update for 4.0.15, scanning with Windows Defender too

Version 4.0.15 has been released, with updated links in the original post. Users of version 4.0.1 or later will receive an automatic update prompt. Users of earlier versions should install over using the EXE file in the release (not the ZIP), but see the warnings in the OP.

Unfortunately this forum thread has gotten a bit behind, but several bugs have been fixed in this release and in 4.0.14. Windows Defender may detect a Trojan in the uninstaller; this appears to be a false positive as it is no longer detected with today’s definitions, but the uninstaller can be safely quarantined without affecting EVEMon’s normal operations.

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