EVEMon 4.0.20 - ESI Edition

Totally agree, i stmbled across the new version by accident, original post and subjet need to be altered or a new post created

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Hi, On version 4.2.2 how can i see the effects of implants? I am looking at the implant calculator but i cannot seem to increate the number from what is shown


Awesome. I had completely missed that function. Many thanks!


I still cannot work out where you can simulate having attribute enhancers in. Ive found a section where you can add hardwires to simulate but attributes to memory etc i cannot find, is this functionality in the application?

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Seems to work if I have implants in (learning ones) but only up to the plugged in implants (so can simulate how much worse it would be without implants).
Sounds like a bug but not sure.

Possibly, i am sure it used to be a feature in an older evemon so perhaps a bug in the new version

You can’t simulate attribute boosters in the implant calculator at the moment, only the +0-4 for implants. Once consumed in game however, their benefits will be tracked accurately.

It’s a feature I can look into, but can’t promise anything at the moment.

Edit: I misread – in the attribute calculator screen, you should be able to increase the stat by up to +4 using the up/down buttons


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Hi @InfinitasX thanks for replying, that doesnt work for me at all, on that same screen you have put above if i click those up and down arrows, nothing happens, not even on the main atributes, I cannot reduce the numbers or raise them. if i manually type a number. For example if i type 17 into intelligence, when i click away the number reverts back to 21

i am using v4.2.2 (64bit) on Windows 11 if that helps

on another note when you click the link under help > about it seems to take you to a webpage for an old version of evemon



im getting this error

EVEMon.Common.Net.HttpWebClientServiceException: A request to esi.evetech.net failed with status: 404 (Not Found). —> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: O código de estado de resposta não indica êxito: 404 (Not Found).
em System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode()
em EVEMon.Common.Net.HttpClientServiceRequest.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(HttpResponseMessage response)
em EVEMon.Common.Net.HttpClientServiceRequest.d__8.MoveNext()
— Fim do rastreio da pilha de excepção interna —
em EVEMon.Common.Net.HttpClientServiceRequest.d__8.MoveNext()
— Fim do rastreio da pilha da localização anterior em que a excepção foi emitida —
em System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
em System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
em EVEMon.Common.Net.HttpWebClientService.d__11`1.MoveNext()

That’s likely not due to a problem in EVEMon but either (1) something might have been wrong with your network/ISP or (2) was too close to Tranquility’s downtime.

Can you access this following link? EVE Swagger Interface
If yes, then EVEMon should be working fine.

UPDATE: Turns out I was on version 4.0.20, not 4.2.2. I have updated and it is working. Is that your situation @Joel_Mi ?

I am getting the exact same 404 error as noted above, despite being able to access the EVE Swagger Interface main page. I also tried manually accessing skill queue through the swagger site and it works. I was able to add the character, and it shows it in the list with an access token.

But then I keep getting “Error logging into EVE SSO” with the 404 message in the details noted above.

This is happening on a new install of Windows 11.

It is happening will all 8 of my characters.

i have version 4.0.20 wich is the latest

@Joel_Mi No it isnt, 4.2.2 is

@InfinitasX please create a new thread with the new version, (assuming you cannot alter the original thread)


I have a Asset Safety wrap item that most likely has my Orca in it. But I can not open the Dran thing.

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This might help you…


UPDATE: After closing and reopening, and waiting a bit of time, my character did eventually show up.

I just tried adding a character for the first time and after I hit import nothing happens. My character shows up here but no where else. I’m running v4.2.2.

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