[EVENT]Federation Day YC124 - June 25th

My Alluring Alain, it’s a pleasure to be a sponsor for this years Federation Day. Donating an impressive 1 Billion ISK to the celebrations!

@Gosakumori_Noh How much do you love the Federation? Would you match me?

I would also like to take this time to submit my bid for Mr. Federation!

As natural as they come,

Julian “Mr. Federation” Flavours

Creator of JFT and Eau de Parfum Flavours
S+ tier fighter of Super ■■■■posting Siblings!
Ex-Supreme Commander of Allied Love Militia Forces
A Meowstar of the Caldari Cats Production
Lover of Lovelovers and a strong distain of Lovehaters
The ‘First Doctor’ in Doctor Spice
Potential Proper Polite Political Posturer Professional
Director and Producer of Consort and Commander