Event Feedback - Guardian's Gala 2019

Beacuse idea of lootboxes is so great. Did you live under a rock past few years? Did you learn nothing from other companies mistakes (EA)? Or you just want to leech of gambling like mechanism to fill your pockets? Don’t treat your playerbase like bunch of idiots. Sweet, round words don’t make biggest elephant in the room disapper.
Edit: grammatik :yum:


i love how a grammatical mistake gives this sentence a completely different meaning, shifting “idiots” from playerbase to CCP themselves.


+1. :slight_smile:
In any case it’s a right statement.

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Given that only the DPS from the boss was fixed, we can therefore assume that all other things that bug us about this event are by design? In that case:

  • Has the feedback in the first 24-48 hours not been sufficient to maybe change a couple of things? Why wait “a couple of days” more? These events only last 2 weeks.
  • If it was by design, can you at least explain the reasoning behind it? Was the use of accelerators hurting the game? Did the loot drops cause inflation? We do understand about balance you know, even if we don’t always like giving things up. Just tell us why.

The problem is, that 2M are still far from being enough to encourage any mining. Remember, you get only 3 Chromos from one site = 6M.

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When I write that is BS, I has been banned. What is now ? Who is making decision ???? Hillmar or PA ???????

Hi, that’s what the feedback was from the players, it’s really great, and it took CCP three days to get feedback! :slight_smile:
In the next few days, the event is already over, and it will no longer be necessary to pay attention to it.
I have only one question, how did you prepare this event if such a reaction of the players to it turned out to be an unpredictable surprise for you? :slight_smile:

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Well that’s a poor response, and I’ll explain why…

Not too long ago CCP were taken to task over it’s lack of communication by, amongst others the CSM.

What came out of that was a promise put on these forums that stated that you realised you were wrong and that in future you would be more communicative with the player base on here…

It didn’t last long did it?

It was all empty rhetoric, same as your latest two posts on here.


Recent events were more or less ok compared to this one.

What is the purpose of any event? It must be entertaining, publicly available and at some level competitive in EVE. Similarly to an event like New Year when people gather in the streets to watch fireworks, an event like “day of the city” when people go to parks for picnics.

It’s not very entertaining when it requires to perform the amount of work that workers do in a third world country just to get a 20 ISK Garbage, like their real salary is. In my opinion, the EVE ISK sinks shouldn’t be performed at the cost of these events.


It’s not available due to a site reapawn mechanic - entire Constellations are without event beacons, while in a couple of systems are like dozens of them stacked. It’s not available for the main mass of players, which are really interested to perform them, like casual hi-sec dwellers. Even normal Gala sites requires very advanced and expensive ships to complete. So, this even’t isn’t for new players. In my opinion, these events should be designed for new players mainly, to keep them interested into the variety of the game (at least with lower grade sites).

It’s not competetive at all. I’m talking about ore mining in this event. The reprocess ratio 1000:2 is beyond understanding. Every site contains like 5000 - 5600 ore units, which can be reprocessed into 10 Tricarboxyls minerals with perfect reprocessing skills and in 7-8 minerals with very high skills. To stack minerals for a basic booster, we have to find, complete and mine between 8 and 9 Gala sites! All booster rewards are BPC now, and to collect all those minerals I barely believe that entire event time can be enought. It’s a fu-king game finally. On Day 2 the T-Hubs were filled with thousands of Tricarboxyls from previous events. It cost under 2M ISK right now. To craft a simple booster like 120M ISK should be spent.

This event requires intensive mining operations, but there isn’t enough available ore and isn’t possible to form some mining fleets for this event. Mining operations is the only option to stack players in this event as it’s a purpose of any MMOs.


Time to reconsider this game…I have enjoyed previous events, taken time out of regular activities to run them. This is the first time, I got really pissed, and wondered WTF is CCP doing. Knowing Koreans quite well, I wonder if this will be the new trend. Well, I’m not gonna put my time and money into something that pisses me off.


It’s a releave to see CCP finally present in this chat, I was starting to believe the predictions of DOOM :sob: .

I’m almost done with the event myself (I want those bloody skins!!) but I will be looking forward to see the changes that will be applied to it before it’s end!

Depending on then, I might actually use those golden things I’ve been farming so far lol

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CCP Falcon was delegated to damage control position. That means CCP is in hull and taking damage.

But CCP guns are still shooting into their own hull. :joy:

Why I am here, not defending anything what is happening with this event?

Because event is complete and utter waste of time and that knowing CCP could do it better a lot of times, but they have chosen to do worse! Or like it was reported here “experimenting”.

Those experiments go in very bad direction.



This would lead one to believe that the “team” working on it were unaware of this feedback thread or they don’t read the forums, but wait…

So they are aware of this thread, I am relieved because after 550ish posts without any official response I was beginning to have my doubts.

“Gift” or did you mean “Gipt”?




1. something given; a present

2. a special aptitude, ability, or power; talent

3. the power or right to give or bestow (esp in the phrases in the gift of, in ( someone’s ) gift )

4. the act or process of giving

5. look a gift-horse in the mouth ( usually negative ) to find fault with a free gift or chance benefit

vb ( tr )

6. to present (something) as a gift to (a person)

7. ( often foll by with ) to present (someone) with a gift

8. rare to endow with; bestow

[Old English gift payment for a wife, dowry; related to Old Norse gipt, Old High German gift, Gothic fragifts endowment, engagement; see give]

Why was this “event” not debuted on the TEST server to generate the aforementioned “issues”?

Falcon, we understand that there is a possibility that you are no longer able to be more forthcoming in your responses to the changes that are happening to our beloved game. With the utmost respect I submit that I know that the hard working staff of CCP seem to be neither thrilled or responsible for the current changes we are seeing, your response on it’s surface seems so out of touch, but when reading between the lines I can’t help but see a sadness and dissatisfaction beginning to manifest, we all know you are more in touch with us than this non-response would lead us to believe.

At the end of the day I hope that the new owners realize that most of us are Paying Subscribers in one form or another and that capitalism dictates that if a customer aka a subscriber becomes dissatisfied they will discontinue monetarily supporting any given service. The level of dissatisfaction I have been seeing of late on the forums, coupled with the almost non-existent responses from management aside from hyper-zealous forum moderation at almost light speed in my mind denotes the actions of a serfdom under the heel of an oppressor.

I literally love every single aspect of this game and have since October of 2003, I have without a doubt seen it all and have remained. If given a divine choice upon my death to choose Heaven, Hell or New Eden I would have forever been a denizen of the server. Since this acquisition by PA I have become somewhat paranoid for lack of a better term and unsure of what the future holds. I suppose I will be going to church this Sunday, hedging my bets as it were…



VERY well said.

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One thing has changed since we all (myself included) started biatching about this event… The price of chromo has risen and stabilised at around 2 mil. Which means, that if you can get all 5 from one site, that’s 10mil per site in mining revenue.

Which is pretty good considering that you can mine it all out in less than 5 minutes… (Reckon you can do the site in less than 10 minutes easy in a gila, so just on the mining you are looking at 4 sites -> 40mil/hour. Plus a couple of mil for salvage and the tickets… Which is actually okay for youngish characters

Perhaps CCP knew that too much chromo was on the market and so needed a few days to go by for the price to go up and stabilize…

As for all the moaning we’ve been doing about loot boxes… how is it really any different from the mutaplasmid rolling?

I think the main problem is that the average loot box payout is a bit too low… which @CCP_Falcon is talking about fixing…

So… I’m actually good with the event now. The dented box drops and cute RP messages in the partial logs took someone some work to do… And TBH the over DPS BS was hysterical zkillboard viewing on the first day, (yes, I died too!) and all the losses were reimbursed…

Maybe we should quit crying, and enjoy EVE for the cynical salt mine that it always has been :slight_smile:

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@Bingham_McSnuggles Exactly you can’t please everyone because when you try you get meh.

I think cycling through events that different from each other offers better events.

I ran the event t with corpsmates 2 days ago. They (4 people) where already doing sites in null for some time. I joing, in the end each could go for 1 lootbox … but to what crappy result?

  • 4 people á 3 hours
  • Me á 1.5 hours
    = 13.5 hours spend on event sites
  • 5 tickets
  • 25 Chromo’s (25kk ISK Jita sell on Wednesday)
  • 65kk ISK directly
    = 90kk ISK expenses

Total Income:

  • 5 x Lootbox, values inside
    = 85kk ISK (Jita sell Wednesday)

After 13.5 hours of regular PvE event farming in null not only having zero income, but actually loosing ISK? Loosing ISK happens regularly in PvP battles but those are also counted for loosing ships.
For PvE, a PvE event, I expect some progress on my ISK account otherwise the event is not even worth a thought. Somewhere the cash for new ships to be lost in PvP must come from.

But for 13.5 hours event farming in null what would normally result in billions ISK from ratting, mining … NO WAY.
This event sucks worse then ever before.


Tried the event in high with another char. But after clearing a site with my mission runner I could not dock and switch to a mining ship for the ore because the site had already de-spawned. Going to high with Fleur … 30 jumps through enemy territory in null or being wardecced in high to support my other char … I would never make it.

Even worse, getting a second high char online for only a few tausend m³ ore per site? For getting 3, 4 or 5 Chromo’s per site while needing 210 Chromo’s for the simplest of Basic Accelerator BPC?

Having to farm dozends of sites for only 5 Basic accelerators? Hell, definitely not … this stinks to heaven. Already have a full time job, don’t need a second one.

I saw Jita buy prices yesterday at about 80kk ISK for a basic accelerator.

This booster gives around only 24k SP with bio IV or 26k SP with bio V.
Spending 880 million for 11 booster would result in only 240k or 260 k SP while a large skill injector for the same price would yield 400k instant SP on my chars.

Maybe I’m not long enough in this game, only 1.5 years by now, but this is the most dumb thing I have yet seen.
Did the next mission in one of the epic arcs yesterday with my mission runner. Net income after 1 hour of killing & looting Sansha ships: around 15kk ISK. And it was fun!
Again … I’m out of this so called but not at all event. It sucks to much, like the one with the ice planet .
If this goes on I’m probably out of any event to come. And concerning the lootbox thing : left the last MMO i was playing for 6 years when they (EA) implemented this b…s…

Thinking that i joined EVE Online for such PvE , where I can roam alone in space doing my things, farming event size, and relax after a hard working day … this does not bode well.



First off, I want to thank you for giving us an update and wading into this. I understand that this is a bit of a buzzsaw to walk into, but I do want to tell you that I (at least) and grateful for you commenting here. Any repose is better than no response, so thanks for coming in.

That said, I’d like to address a couple of things here, hopefully in a constructive way, to add some context to the angst and complaints that the players (myself certainly included) are expressing on this thread.

There are basically three things that people are concerned about here and that, I believe, warrant different kinds of responses:

  1. The general mechanics and rewards of the event.
  2. Bugs and issues in the operation of the event.
  3. The philosophical choice of adding the loot boxes.

General Mechanics
Let’s be honest- every event is going to have people complaining about drops, expressing displeasure with the activities, and general whining. That’s normal and it’s just the nature of the beast. Personally, I appreciate a level of experimentation with events and, as I mentioned in my post, I can see a couple of examples of where the team took feedback from the last event and made a change for the better. Unfortunately, I also see several items where the same things that people were complaining about in the previous ones were repeated.

To address these, such as the reprocessing rate of the ore, it would be extremely helpful to have a short communication from the team about these items- even if it’s just to say “yep, that’s working as intended”. Even better would be if we had an explanation as to why some choices were made, but at least acknowledging that things are working as intended is helpful.

Look, stuff happens. It’s software, I get it. However, there is a lot of frustration when events like Permafrost are put on Sisi and then sent live with bugs that people reported there still in place. Even worse is when no testing is allowed.

Now, I can understand that there might be reasons for not putting it on the server- to prevent speculation and hoarding of commodities for BPC could be one (good) keeping the loot boxes a secret to avoid a mass freak out could be another (bad), but again, some communication on this would be helpful. Specifically, in relation to the ore refine rate, the BS ROF was hosed in the launch due to a misplaced decimal point- how are we as players to not believe the same thing happened with the ore refine rate unless somebody tells us “working as intended”? Having a conversation about an intentional decision vs. a bug that has not been fixed is a very different thing (see also the spawn rate issue- it is supposed to be this way or not? If so, why?)

Philosophical Choices

Yeah, I’m talking about the loot boxes here.

“Gifts” is an interesting choice of words, and given that I’ve seen this word also used in event missions, it is clearly something that was chosen to describe these things internally.

I really need to push back on this. They are not, in any way, “gifts”. A gift is something that is handed over to one party to another in exchange for nothing.

I can characterize the Golden Tickets as “rewards” (you get them for putting effort into completing an activity), but the second something additional is asked for to get the loot boxes- in this case 13 M ISK- they are in no way, shape, or form “gifts”.

Now, let’s set aside what people are actually getting (in some cases, literal pieces of garbage), and focus on what the real issue here is. This is a MASSIVE philosophical shift for EVE and CCP, and one that many of us here find deeply unsettling. This is something that marks a concerning change, something that has never been done before, and in many ways exemplifies and proves right a lot of the doom-saying predictions that many people have had since the PA acquisition.

We can skip an event we don’t like- that’s fine. But seeing something like this that seems to indicate such a massive and disturbing shift in EVE as a game and a culture is different. We can’t just skip over that without worrying about what the future will hold. Of all of the issues raised in this thread, this- to me- is the one that deserves a statement from CCP because it’s not about this event, it’s about what is happening to the game we all love so dearly.

Thanks for reading. I do really hope that the team and CCP management is paying attention here. When this is discussed in the Sentiment Review that you mentioned, this is something that needs to be highlighted. While we are worried about some of the elements of this event, many of us are much MORE worried about what it means for the future of the game.


I’ve noticed more Gala sites spawning and not being run. Hopefully CCP is paying attention to the stats and will take this as a vote.

I want to mention the awesome work Team Little things is doing. There have been several fixes in the last few releases that have made me squee with delight.

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