Event Feedback - Guardian's Gala 2019

Event timers are still broken, 2 days with blinking “0s”, too low yields from the asteroids and the lottery just gives trash. I usually like events but this one is dissapointing.


I found a way to pop the carrier triple boxing my 3 toons. That alone made the event fun for me. But by wed, I could not find any more vip sites. And today, I could not even find any event sites at all. So now, its not even an event anymore. Crap loot or not…


Let’s examine this.

#1. No. Out of principle, no. I am not touching these loot boxes. Also, notice no cool down timer.
#2. Sure! Just spawn a few and I’ll have another go. I guess.
#3. See #2. Of course, at this point complaining about spawn rates for this is a bit like saying “The food is terrible- and the portions are so SMALL!”
#4. See #1.

So, two of the 4 missions are pushing the loot boxes.



Roamed lowsec multiple times looking for site runners - found loads of empty sites. No one running them.

Seems to suggest its all NULL and Hisec.

Seems poor for content creation.

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I don’t expect this event to change now, and I am worried about the future of EVE.
Attentive players will find that since the acquisition of CCP, his activities have become less simple and interesting, and it has become more and more difficult to complete activities with the need for high-skilled players. It is getting harder and harder for players who have just joined. The activities in November added the mining elements, making the mine the biggest winner. The hard-earned gains of the combat players were also exploited by the mine to get the brain accelerator they wanted.
Also, you have not felt that PLEX has not been greatly discounted since it was acquired. (After writing this reply, I found out that PLEX is now 10% off)
PLEX also began to soar in the Garden of Eden.
I am really worried, is it that South Korea has begun to intervene in EVE’s operating plan. What I saw in the news that EVE is still operating independently under the CCP, I now keep this view.


You could not have possibly read the previous event’s feedback and surveys then release this over the top bad event. I would tell you what I don’t like and like but, I know you won’t read it.

Sorry mate, I have been playing since late 2004, there was never a time they really cared or listened to players reservations. I think what you meant to say “once there was a game that was fun for players”.

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Players: OMGWTF!

CCP: Mission accomplished…we’re done here…


I can’t quite understand why this event ore Amethystic Crystallite has HALF the reprocessed Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls than the previous event ore Cthonic Attar.

If I remember correctly there were dozens of Attar asteroids in of the sites. In this one there are what six? seven?

Seems backwards to me.


You’re right, but the change is clearly intentional, by the new rock’s description. I think CCP wants to “inspire” more cooperation (or conflict for scarce resources) among players, and usage of the market. Many of the complaints are from players (including myself) that want to “do it all” by themselves. EVE is multi-player.

The skyrocketing price of Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls is proof that they miscalculated this part. It has gone from 300k before this event to almost 2m right now. That’s just absurd.

Need to increase the amount of ore/reprocessing yield.

Need to significantly improve the bpc drop rate of the accelerators.

Need to add loot table for the rats in some form.

Need to either significantly improve the loot table of the gift crates, or remove the steep cost of getting one.

This is a really great response with some super good feedback, thanks - I’ll make the team aware of it :slight_smile:

In general terms, we’re still trying different things with events, and this of course is going to lead to some unpredictability.

Work is going into looking at the balance of surprise gifts in the next few days, and of course the crazy rough NPCs have been straightened out and given the correct attributed so they don’t go full tilt and cause so much damage :slight_smile:

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Absolutely, while they don’t always respond, the team who are working on events keep a solid eye on these feedback threads.

In fact, after discussing with them a few releases back, it was actually their idea to separate out event feedback into its own thread so that they can better look at what needs to be improved.

Coupled with this thread, there’s also a sentiment review that gets delivered by the community team to the events team, and we regularly discuss where the issues lie.

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“Work is going into looking at the balance of surprise gifts in the next few days, and of course the crazy rough NPCs have been straightened out and given the correct attributed so they don’t go full tilt and cause so much damage”

So, no reason to run the event till then…


I’ll repeat the three things I think need to happen to make this event remotely worthwhile from a player experience perspective:

  1. No ISK cost to trade tickets.
  2. Significantly greater tricarboxyl yield from amethystic asteroids.
  3. Bounties on NPC’s.

And fix the agency task bugs.


i love eve.
but i really dont like THIS event. so why:
1 sites it too rare.
2 my 50 million sp pilot focused on sansha ships cant do this in highsec on phantasm becouse it was oneshot killed by NPS battleship in first entred complex and same pilot cant do event sites in high sec on nightmate becouse nightmare cant track freegates even whit pulse lasers + 2 tracking computer + tracking speed script+ caldary navy stasis …
3 need second pilot on venture for mining or rewarp in clear site for mining
4 hate gambling… hate twice gambling with low chances and bad prises
thats why i want cancel my eve subscription
btw wtf this agency tasks rly bug ???

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You can do them in a low SP vni

Don’t forget the spawn rate of the sites themselves.


also agency boosters, and maybe the chance for accelerators to drop also from the rats

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