New Event? Intended?

I think CCP made a oops here we now have a new event before the last events accelerators were finished. They finish at 4/24.

Got a feeling this event was a oops and wont make it past downtime.

quick farm those rewards!

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Its only a single accelerator and it expires a week after these ones do, seems intended and to coincide with fanfest this week

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for me accelerators are not a problem,
i’m more confused abaut high cap of bounty and ore requaierd to get, in 7 days u need 300 points, i dont know abaut mining but at tier 4 u need 50 mil bounty, new and semi new capsulers, and maybe moust of Alfa will not be happy abaut this, i think this are to big requairments, but maybe this is only for semi andvence and older capsulers, in that case this maybe have some sense, i dont know

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my bad its intended its on the launcher now

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Am I correct that there is no site to warp to and complete, rather you just mine ore or collect bounties by killing rats and what not?


Yup, just killing rats and mining rocks :stuck_out_tongue:

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You only “need” 300 points if you want a box of generic looking skins, the important item is the booster for 150 which is easily done in a week


Now i need to leave my WH??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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You can kill rats and mine rocks in your WH can’t you? At least I assume this would work.

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Sleepers do not provide bounties and mining… Hm… Yeah, that’s the only option

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Get rattin’!

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Sooo, let me get this straight. There’s no special sites, no special rats and no special loot.


Doesn’t sound much like an event to me.


Admittedly, I also had the same feeling. Just keep doing the regular stuff with some special prizes at the end.

Still those SKINS look quite sexy though. I would love it if they spread it to every other ship to the game and not just the featured 3.

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@ccp dragon.

What on earth is this event targeted at?

the only possible players likely to complete this are bots.

And they won’t bother.

The rewards are weak, and the time needed to reach 300 is simply not viable, at the third level it is ridiculously time consuming, at l5 it must require total daily commitment for ALL the day. Every day.

sorry I would have loved to see what’s in the loot box, but it simply isn’t either practical or worthwhile.

one would need to be a totally OCD completionist with masocistic tendencies to complete this.

you really have it completely wrong on this one…

Edit l3 mining is nullsec materials in the main, unless one has a moon mine in a .5.

so I’m dumping this event.

the hilarious part of this is the rewards are clearly alpha focused, and they stand absolutely no chance of completing this. Either done in a hurry with no thought put into it, out of touch with the players of THIS game, or just plain cruel, I am not sure which to believe.

Sorry to be so blunt, but really what were you thinking!!


24*7 Vexor ratting will do it, or bots, can one tell the difference?


Well I can tell you the lvl 4 harvesting task is mine 20,000 units of Gneiss, Dark Ochre, Spodumain, Crokite, Bistot, Arkonor or Mercoxit. So the actually amount mined doesn’t always go up its just the difficulty of the ore does.

Meanwhile level 3 bounties is at 10,000,000 and has just continually gone up.

Have fun with this one alpha players.


Part 4 bounties is 50 million :scream::nauseated_face: level 5 is probably either a hundred million or a billion who knows?

I seriously wonder whether some of these “designers” have ever actually played the game, because it certainly seems like either they haven’t or they don’t care how much they annoy the player base with their lack of thought. they strive for good will , and then flush it casually away.

of course I’ll super rat and in my spare time with my alts i’ll use my rorqual to get some alpha skins… /s and i’ll put my life and career on hold to rummage through waste bins for some bottle deposits.

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you get stuff for doing normal things most players do. Pretty much free bonus stuff, I’d rather have that than not have that. I’m bored of the event sites that spawn a handful of NPCs then a boss with loot anyways. Might as well try something different.

maybe, but those new and semi new players probably weren’t killing the BS rat at the end of the site in the last event. For most ratters 50mil is an hour or so, mid to high level mission runners that might take a few hours

the 150 point reward is a 72 hr + 12 booster. that’s a pretty nice reward on it’s own.

don’t like the grind, then go buy the stuff on the market from people that do it.


there should be at LEAST three or four skins redeemed at the end of this one, But I imagine they will decorate someones bot.

Rub them hard and they’ll stretch to fit a super :slight_smile:

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Also it looks like the event resets every 15 hours or so, If you can do 2-3 tiers of either side each day you should get up to the 150 reward at least. Looks like you will need to do 4-5 levels/day to get the 300 point reward.