Evergreen Daily Login Rewards

only from a max run copy, not the 1 run garbage.

Forget about rigs.

The amount of ME, TE and Runs on the input T1 BPC are irrelevant for Invention. Those numbers have a base setting which can be adjusted depending on which type of decryptor is used.

it is, just like I’ve pointed out. You’ll get 10 run T2 BPC only if the invention base was a max run BPC.


Tech 2 blueprint copies always have 10 runs, +2% ME and +4% TE, unless modified by a decryptor.

T2 BPCs for ships and rigs have 1 run unless modified by a decryptor.

Brother, I hate to say this but the ME, TE and number of Runs on the T1 BPC has no effect on the quality or number of runs on the Invented T2 BPC.

I have some experience with invention.

So let me side with the “You are wasting your time inventing with one run freebies” faction.

Strictly speaking, the factions are “I dont want the freebies, so no one should have them” and pretty much everyone else.

Brother, you have every right to think that but it still doesn’t negate what I posted earlier.

And what I’m saying is that these BPC Log-in reward’s are basically only good for invention because the ME, TE and amount of Runs on the T1 BPC has no effect on the stats of the Invented T2 BPC…


Absolutely. I was posting in reference to the little tiff between Ramona and Mark.

He said Invention with …Oh hell…just scroll up. I’m not going to repost the interaction.

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The only issue I can see is that a single run T1 BPC takes up the same job slot as a multiple run T1 BPC.


People keep saying that the only part of the giveaway that is worth it are the skillpoints . . . but how much is 150k skillpoints really worth?

Exactly. And if you do invention, that’s a pretty big issue.

About 210 million ISK, and after extraction costs, 120 million ISK pure profit.

Wow. People really buy those injectors? Amazing.

They sure do. And my wallet thanks them for it.

CCP’s wallet, too.

Any character doing serious invention should have close to max Science skills so the amount of job slots being used shouldn’t be a problem… unless you don’t log-in everyday then I can see it being an issue.

Absolutely. I just got finished injecting about 10m SP into a character. Planning on building up another one soon.

I’m actually curious about whether the PLEX or the injection market is the bigger one, at this point…

My personal issue with these rewards, aside from the claiming hassles, is the fact that they devalue player-made/farmed goods.

I guess the impact is small, but if we’re going to uphold EVE’s principles, these rewards aren’t a good idea. It would be better if they were more along the lines of ship skins, clothing, keys to special complexes, etc.