hi Susie, Have you considered Wormhole space? below is our current advert, not sure what TZ you are in but it maybe something that interests you, I know some sections of our alliance/corp use voicecomms but they are not mandatory with us, so that may be a show stopper for you.
There is excellent PI in the WH and yu can find numeroud data/relic sites in the chain. We are also part of A Abnd Apart Aliiance which contains Stay Frosty, they do a Frigate Free for all once a year and we in Lucifers Hammer (LH) make ships and ammo for that event. There aer some combat sites in our WH but you can go out to high sec to do sites there is you wish
The main portion of the corp I am in are based in High Sec. So that may be an alternative if you do not fancy WH space.