
Starting bid: 50B
Minimum bid increment: 0.5B
Item Location: Jita 4-4
Buyout: Amaze me
Auction ends: 10th of March (downtime, snipping rule 15 minutes)

Selling this only as pack, here is list of items, ME/PE levels and aprrox price breakdown for starting bids

Orca       - 10/16 - 4B

Providence - 10/12 - 4B
Charon     - 10/14 - 4B
Fenrir     - 10/14 - 4B
Obelisk    - 10/14 - 4B

Moros        - 10/16 -4.5B
Phoenix      - 10/16 - 6B
Naglfar      - 10/16 - 6B
Revelation   - 10/16 - 6B

Nidhoggur    - 10/16 - 6B
Archon       - 10/16 - 3.5B
Chimera      - 10/16 - 6B
Thanatos     - 10/16 - 4.5B

All items were flown in during Jita burn event since I was out of game for so long I even forgot this event existed :smiley:

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