Faction Warfare in 2021

No you have this wrong, people are willing to risk their ship because they can run away if a bad match up comes along.

No one is going to sit in a rifter in a novice plex if they know that they will be murdered by the first blinged-up faction frigate that appears. So if you force people to stay, they won’t go in.


this made my day.

I make income from FW, but that income gets completely thrown back at FW through pvp ships. FW rats scramming is just a terrible idea, expecially from a pvp standpoint.


Just join Galmil. The Caldari are controlling almost everything except the last bastion of Fliet.

Plenty of fights to be had.

Less talk, more rock.

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Rifter is a monster. Don’t you go bad mouthing the Rifter.






How many dramiels have you killed in one?

I feel like there’s a point being missed with the whole warp disrupting rat suggestion.

First off it’s intention is to increase the risk for the player offensively plexing and give defenders an opportunity to catch the attacker.

Plex rats in general are not hard to kill and do minimal dps.

So if you are inside the plex in a Rifter and you see a incursis outside. You have a choice. You can take the fight or leave…but you need to think fast because that rat could respwan at any moment and make your choice for you.

For the Cal/Gal WZ guys this would also help you hunt bots alot easier. Yes they can and will kill the rats. But you catch them and that rat is alive and you got em. As opposed to now where they just run. I spent months hunting these things in the Amarr/Minnie WZ after th4 last flip. It’s oppressive and just a slight change like this could help a little.

1v1 me at the Sun. WINMATAR!


As for the Frontline system. I’m thinking of an addendum to it after talking with alot of people and seeing some great feedback. In general I’m thinking about caping the max you can plex up a non Frontline system…outside of the current 100% and a reduction of overall plex rewards in general. But I need to noodle that some more. Either way I’ve enjoyed the good convos. If your interested in more please check the reddit post I put up with the same name.

The bots are annoying for sure. But I really don’t want to have FW game play determined by making it easier to hunt bots. CCP can continue to fight bots on their end.

Also, the most important thing to learn when new to PvP is which fights to take and when to take them.

I feel like if a newbro sees my character in system from 2010 and my Dramiel is on dscan, they should be fully able to decide not to fight me.

I don’t want to dunk someone on day 3 because a rat was scramming them.


I mean they left a group of bots up for over 3 months that we reported daily.

In general i want to give the defender a little more edge. You are on their turf after all. But its ok to disagree here. That noobie will have to learn eventually…and so long as they can pop the rat fast they can still run.


Absolutely. My dramiel vs your rifter. You’re based somewhere in the amarr minmatar warzone I take it? I’ll jump over from Rens.

That’s pretty much my point too. I was just stating that a bubble seems a better idea than scramming rats, but I still don’t think it’s necessary. People were proposing warp-prevention mechanics as means of countering bots, and it is not an effective way to do that. And in general, the way fw plexes work inside now seems to be fine - no point in fixing what’s not broken.
As I said before, the botting problem should be addressed outside of fw context - by improving the reporting and banning system.

It might be good, as long as it’s not comletely hardcoded to the systems being adjacent to hostile ones.
Maybe it should somehow depend on nearby systems’ upgrade level (which has to be made harder to drop).
Maybe non-frontline systems just need to be harder to contest rather than being completely invulnerable. Those who remember the infamous DUST modifier would agree that plexing a system affected by one is quite annoying. So maybe a similar modifier could be applied to non-frontline systems. And should probably affect the lp rewards for plexing too.

To be fair… if something is easily “bottable” I consider it broken.

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I see your point, but if the devs would start fixing that by changing each separate game mechanic the game would just become too awkward to play for living players.
I am pretty sure algorhythms to track automated behaviour are not that complicated to write. An in-game ‘report’ button would target-paint bots for those algorhythms - and in 10 minutes the bot is banned, their assets including lp are seized - and it’s just not worth the time to create another bot anymore. Way better than overhauling entire gameplay sections in hope that bots would become easier to kill by players rather than adjust their fits slightly and keep the benefits.

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I’m not a fan of the additional point/scram/web/bubble for the following reason:

If I’m a defender in a shield ship, I can just fit more tank instead of a point.

If I’m a defender in a kite boat, hey I can just stay at the very edge of my optimal/drone control range instead of getting in point range.

And if my enemy wants to shed that point from the rat, well that’s essentially time that he wouldn’t be shooting me. So that’s kinda like having a bunch more EHP.

So basically, even just giving the defender a rat that points is huge. What happens if the attacker knows this and only brings fights that are ‘even’? He is going to have to bring a 2v1. This is how you kill off the existing solo PvP meta, at least for roaming attackers.

Edit: here’s a specific example. I’m in a kite Tristan defending. Lol, I’ll just launch drones and zoom around at 40km until they get close to killing the rat, then I will have to come in to the slightly more dangerous <24km where I have to establish point. But then, I would have had significant time where I’m attacking him with my DPS while he is doing no damage to me. I could probably kill an arty thrasher that way when I otherwise couldn’t have.

Edit2: another one. Rail corm with only prop mod and tank. Ok, so no range control, but a corm can quickly deal a lot of damage at 12km. Attack the rat, you will probably die before you kill the corm. Attack the corm, well it has more tank this time because it didn’t have to fit a disruptor. It has its normal tank plus a heated invuln, or maybe it refitted off a mobile depot to the specific resist you are dealing.

So as you can see, even having rats point is a big deal!


If they would just respond when bots are reported then we wouldn’t have bots


So a big part of my proposal was just warp disruption. Some want scram, some one what the ESS is. in truth I would only want to add risk to capping a plex, which the easiest way to do that is to have rat warp disrupt.

in your examples you could still go fight the Tristan in an arty thrasher. If you limit it to just warp disruption i think thats ok. Also rats generally have a slower response time then players when targeting when entering so the existing warp it, get out “could” still be possible.

all its doing is giving the defender a little advantage. And as for roaming, its what it is. most of the time you could be roaming and defending ppl hitting ur plexes, u catch a tristan pointed by the rat just as you come in. he kills the rat but you get a point on him and the fight goes on. or, sees you outside, knows hes gonna be pointed, and decides hes gonna brawl you down first.

theres still alot of options here for the attackers / defenders.

but like i said, my proposal is just warp disruption, nothing more or less.


Exactly! :grinning: The very cause of this botting circus is the fact that reporting bots is too much of a bother for most players and the response to these reports by people at their seats is too slow - to the point of irrelevance. So most players just don’t bother alt-tabing to file their report - and as a result the problem doesn’t seem as big as it is on the backend. So it’s addressed by half the staff it should be and a huge manual ivestigation is required for a GM - in the end nothing gets done.
So that’s where solution is - make it a 1-click from in-game to report a bot and make the engine itself respond to those reports.

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There is a 1-click from in-game to report the bot.
The problem is that you need to do some human investigations to bot reports to avoid it being misused, and as we all know human cost real-world money and are therefore scarce in companies.

Furthermore, you have banned one bot… so what, it is so easy to create a new Alpha account to create a new bot.

Best way to deal with bots is to use them for target practice, which works really well:

Look at the times. Literally plexing the whole 24 hours.

Wonder how much loyalty points this toon has. I saw the scripts for sale online for fw. Bet 1 week would buy me a titan to sit in opens with.