Fallen Soldiers - Looking for Active PvP Pilots

Fallen Soldiers of Damnation is looking for new active pilots that want to take a jump to nullsec / lowsec pvp.

:white_check_mark:Omega Account
:white_check_mark:Be Active

:warning:SkillPoints are not an issue and we will assist you in a skill plan to get into doctrine ships.

We are a part of the Endless Crew Alliance. We are currently deploying out of Nullsec. Daily PvP Fleets go out hand in hand with allied alliances. Isk generation is available and we will assist you in building up your coffers by teaching you how to get the most out of your stay in nullsec.

If you are interested, please reach out to Vanir Tsero or Sextint.
You can also join our Public channel - ECREW_Public for more information on the corporation.

Look forward to speaking with you,

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Looking for pilots to join our ranks. Pew Pew, Make ISK. All the funsies

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