Into Oblivion. [0BLVN] Needs levelheaded PVP pilots. New and Old!

o7 Capsuleers!

Into Oblivion, a relativly new corp that is situated with a large nullsec alliance. This corp has been founded on doing dumb stuff cos dumb stuff is fun! We have a driven need for Omega pilots of both new and old calibres that have the ability and/or the want to learn how to fly their ship themselves. With our NS alliance we have the ability to fleet up strong and with good numbers but we’ll also have the ability to do small localised and sneaky stuff.

If you’re interested come find us on Discord here

Fly recklessly and speak to you all soon
Spike en Chasteaux - 0BLVN Recruiter

We’re still recruiting guys! Come say hi and see what we’re about!

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