FOR SALE: 6.5 Year Old 18m Skill Point Rorqual Pilot ~ BONO ONE

14 bil B/O, offer stands for 10 hours.

No need to let it stand for 10 hours as I will pass but thank you.

Looks like I need to get this training queue cranked back upā€¦

15Bil bid

6.5 Year old Rorqual Pilot

18 Million Skill Points

Positive Security Status (0.1)
Positive Wallet
No assets
No kill rights
Clean long employment history only ever in School of Applied Knowledge
Currently (and has always been) in NPC as required for sale.
Clean Killboard / Combat Log - No losses - no kills
Navigation + Warp Drive L5 31

Rorqual / plus Orca (+ Porpoise).

Can solo L3 missions and run events with Naga, Tornado, Talos, Oracle & Drake / Drake Navy Issue with good missiles including auto-targeting for those AFK skin drop events from The Agency.

  • Bowhead Ore Industrial. + All Industrials

  • Charon, Obelisk, Providence, Fenrir (All Freighters for your big hauling needs)

  • All Battleships (Including Triglavian Leshak)

  • (NEW) All Tactical Destroyers (Jackdaw, Svipul, Confessor, Hecate)

  • (NEW) All Triglavian Ships

Jump Clones;

1} Amsen (1.0) - No Implants
2} Jita 4-4 (0.9) Full Set of Basic Implants
3) Balle (0.5) No Implants

I have a full set of IMPROVED L5 Implants and I am docked at Jita 4/4.

Remap available NOW
+2 Bonus Remaps

177,237 Unallocated Skill Points

Nice Scientist - Can always run 10 BPO research jobs at a time.


I will pay the CCP Transfer fee directly (not by using PLEX) so you will get me faster.

You can have this toon today.

22b or best offer

I will pass on your 15b bid but thank you. A soon to be 7 year old toon is most certainly worth more and considering the fact that I will pay CCP to transfer him (about 10% of his whole value), I will stick with 22b for now.

If someone doesnā€™t want this toon for 22b I would be surprised.

22b anyone?


A rorqual pilot that is months away from using excavator drones and PANIC, as well as lacking decent support skills? Iā€™ll offer 9b so I can extract him and doomheim the character.

Does CCP still allow profanity on the forums? LOL!

7 week bump.

9.5 bil bid here, lol.
Btw, the rorq nerf patch comes tomorrow.
Also waiting for 1 year bump.

Iā€™d bid 6 bil and no more. Iā€™ll explain why even though you will probably reject the offer.

  1. This can barely be called a rorqual pilot. It has no real use because as soon as it gets dropped on, itā€™s dead due to poor skills. You advertised this as a rorqual toon. Itā€™s not really enough to class it as that.

  2. No one is really bothered that itā€™s 7 years old. If your character was from the very first months of eve then yes people care however it is not so the age of it isnā€™t really important.

  3. The things you say it can solo can be run in an alpha account with I would estimate a quarter of those skill points. It adds no value to your toon.

  4. Reading the rest of the comments, you come across as rude and ignorant. Therefore, I knocked further value from the offer.

5bill and I promise not to biomass the toon :angel:

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