For those who accuse CCP of Making Eve Online 'Pay to Win'

Bob Vult.

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You getting banned for good would please me.

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For what?

Having a different opionon than you?

Well THAT’S a reasonable ban explanation for sure…

Thank you, I have some faith in people again.

@Kezrai_Charzai if you think a new player should be able to jump right in and have the same variety as a vet then maybe this genre just isn’t for you. If you view having the ability of flying a capital, blops, command ships, and anything else that is highly skill intensive as a “must” to play this game then you are sadly mistaken and I am angered by whoever put that image of the game in your head, be it CCP or some misguided rookie corp. Here in TEST we have many newbros who have arguably more fun than most vets just putting around in their T1/faction hulls during a fleet or roam experiencing the actual game and seeing how impactful they can be just getting tackle on a target.

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Sorry I’m late to the party. I just wanted to clarify something. Omega is not 2x training. It’s the same as it always was.

Alpha is half speed training. It’s a subtle but important difference.

So now now that you know the truth, Ramona and Duro, it’s time to go back and edit your entire argument.


I tried to tell him that, but when he refused to listen, I just went with his nonsense cos it was easier.

I mean, I have to make it easy for him.

The game is so scary, he has to mine under noobrella.


It is you who lacks understranding of game mechanics.

In eve small percentages make a big difference.

Yes, for having a different opionon.

I agree with Jonah. 5 is bigger than 4.


With regards to SP I shall leave a link to this post by @ShahFluffers that explains it way better than I could.


It would be awesome if people could learn to read before wasting everyone’s time on the forums.

I said new players start behind longer-term players, and stay behind them, given the mechanics of EVE training.

I said a person with fewer skills trained is generally at a disadvantage against people with more skills trained.

I said that EVE has no separation, nor even a decent choice of content, for ‘newer’ people to tackle that does not potentially put them in direct competition with ‘older’ people.

I did not say the things you are responding to. If you wish to be angered about something, be angered about people who can’t be bothered to read and comprehend the things they are arguing against.

Again, I care not at all if EVE is P2W, that’s fine by me. I only care that the current design of EVE and it’s monetization/training/gameplay models are holding the game back from being a better game.

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newer players only stay behind others if they:
1.) Never set any personal goals.
2.) Dont try to have fun(ie grind ISK/plex to play “free”)
3.) Are instant gratification warriors trying to play COD infantry with Multi-ton Star Ships.
4.) Unable to understand this is not a Solo game at all (please someone link the Butterfly effect for EvE)
5.) Simply have a poor attitude, no patience, and no idea how mitigate risk on their own.

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Another excellent example of reading comprehension fail combined with poor math skills.

Bob starts playing today. He goes Omega, he starts training right away, dumps a big long skill queue into his list. He has whatever new players start with these days for SP… a few hundred thousand?

Benny started playing 5 years ago. He has +5 implants, 100 billion ISK in the bank, all the ships he wants, is in a decent corp doing things he knows well how to do. Benny has almost 120 million Skill points because he has trained for 5 years, picked up some event/CCP bonuses, bought some skill injectors etc.

Bob’s attitude isn’t the question here. Nor is his patience. All other things being equal, Bob will always be 120 million SP behind Benny. And the gap will widen, not close, because anything Bob can do (short of breaking out his wallet), Benny can do faster, better, more efficiently.

This isn’t about snide insults regarding ‘instant gratification’. This isn’t about ‘setting goals’. This is simple math. EVE appeals to the more analytically minded types, those are the people who can do math. That’s one of the reasons they start, look around, see how things are set up, and promptly leave.

It is not a primary reason, IMO… the primary reason is simply that the game is slow and boring and clumsy to get started in. People sign up for EVE thinking about the hype, the grand space battles, the ‘wild wild West in space’ concepts… then the NPE tells them they will be doing something else entirely, probably for years.

Your reply might be, but speaking as someone how doesnt feel like needing to compete with anyone Id say you were making a grossly simplistic over generalisation.

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True enough. I’m much the same, I don’t play EVE to compete, I just play to do the things I feel like doing at any given time. Since I have enough SP to do those things, then the relative scale of other people’s SP is irrelevant to me. And certainly lots of other people play similarly.

That said, the topic is about EVE being P2W. My original point was that it has always been. My secondary point is that the current EVE system is detrimental to the games success.

Thus, in this case “for what reasons do people play other than to compete?” is less relevant, and “how is competitive advantage in EVE quantified?” is the issue.

Usually by having more pilots willing to do what you say.

Those with larger followings are more “successful” by default.

Though in a game success should be based on fun/hr, not isk/hr

Just because EA is worse does not mean CCP gets a free pass. You can buy whatever you want in EVE (ISK, assets, SP, …) with rl money instead of earning it trough actual gameplay. That is P2W.

What you forget:

There is only a limited number of skills that apply to a single activity in Eve. And as has been pointed out before, skills max out at lvl 5. A new player can get just as good in a single activity as a veteran Eve-player (character skill-wise) in relatively short time. What Veteran players have an advantage on is the amount of activities they can do on a single character.


More like ignore because it doesn’t suit their position