Hi! Obvious Alt here until i decide where to go.
I am looking for a larger corp to get involved in the war as quickly as possible, so please no small or unaffiliated groups. I have a large stable of mostly unsubbed alts that will get subbed when time and ISK are there. Right now I only have time for PvP and want to get in on the war.
Legacy or Panfam Preferred. Would rather not join Horde or Brave, but those are good fallbacks if I cannot find a home in NC. PL, or Legacy elsewhere.
I have a lot of FC and small gang experience, including BLOPS, Wormholes, and Alliance Tournament for 3 years. Haven’t lead or been in fleets over 100+ but would like to cross that off the list. I fly links, booshers, scouts and DPS all day. Can do perfect logi but dont do it much. I like fast and aggressive Style.
I need someone who can handle the volume of alts quickly during recruiting, I dont want to wait a month because I have 100 alts, even though 90 are hardly used.
The Important Characters
230mil SP Main- everything except titans can be flown, all subcaps almost perfect (no indy) including Perfect links, boosher, T3C/D.
90m SP Titan- Good Dreads across 4 races, Owns and flies and Erebus with all important skills to 5, still perfecting Phenomena/links
Secondary PvP- 50-60 mil training into links and generic subcaps . Use him for cynos, bombers, DPS mostly, but is close to good for links and working into T3C
Dedicated Armor FAX
Dedicated Nyx
BLOPS/Dread Characters x 2 (Nag+Panther)
JF and trader pilot, plus a secondary hauler for freighters/DST/BRs and a couple of Lvl 5 cynos and some scanners
I have a shitty Dictor alt and HIC alt, but hardly used, Im usually focused on main or more important alts, but they exist.
The rest (80-90) are in 3 corps that used to do trade, PI, trading, and indy. Almost all are unsubbed and some are NPC corp.
EDIT: would love to chat voice with a recruiter for a larger corp in the mentioned alliances. Once I decide I will obviously provide all the names, APIs, etc for all characters.