Fraternity Academy [OmniTZ/NewBro/HS/LS/NS]

New player here, looking for advice on how to learn pvp and make money as part of a group. Let me know what you need.
IGN: Trader Hugh

New player here, i want to make some real money and get in on some fights
IGN: mes Togenada

Hello Boys and Girls i will take care of all applications tomorrow

looking to experience nullsec, ign is: Finkelle Bolmara.

Maj Francesco Santoro

So where is my in game invite?

In game invite?

I wish to join. Looking for L4-L5 missions. IGN: OGHerb

I would like to participate in null sec activities
IGN: Domoki

hello bud u can apply

I wish to join. Sent you a mail and also applied.
IGN : Riperd Jacks

o/ want to join and rat havens:D
in game name: Boosie Faded

Hi, I would like to join.
IGN: Nyco Nightwind

Hi, I would like to join. IGN: Inorainen Udan

Hi, I would like to join.
IGN: Rydzy Rydzy

Hello, can I get an invite please. IGN: Anne Bauer

Hi there, Iā€™d like to join IGN: Ibuprofen 1200mg

I contact u ingame

Hello I am interesed in joining. IGN: Kallista Lili.

Rogue Alvarez