“Insert Alliance Logo here” Alliance Logo Creation is pending
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The Jura Tempest Federation
About Us:
We’re a brand new Alliance, based in Black Rise region
Our milkshakes do in fact bring the boys to our yard
We found who let the dogs out, it was Borath Helenite
Never forgive that Stingray, you all know the one
Profoundly making fittings for various things that nobody asked for and sharing our masterpieces
We are all in fact, Barbie Girls, in a Barbie World
We’re currently war ineligible - because someone needs to go teach people a lesson without structure bull-shite
What we offer:
Free ships for PvP, and Industry based things
A fleet based atmosphere, where we can teach people who’re looking to learn
Experienced atmosphere for all skill-levels to learn from
Industrial structures for maximum repro | copying | invention | reaction etc
German dudes | Indian dudes | American dudes (we have a lot of dudes)
People who explode for no reason
Random meme’s at 3am because we were laughing at them by ourself
Thick Australian accents (looking for Thick Scottish accents)
All spy positions have been filled by all 2 of our spies, all future spai positions must past an information collecting test
Keep your nudes in the NSFW channel seriously, keep it in NSFW
A chance to join our killboard along with everyone else who is screaming
What we’re looking for:
Corporations that have an active member base in any of the above categories, PvP, Industry, PvE etc
F.C.'s and experienced people
Content creators | People who work from home | Artists and Media Fanatics | Social players
Meme enthusiasts and anime lovers | Generally fun and passionate people
Self starters for different operations
Must begin the interview with a solid meme
No minors, because I’m not paying child support, and the judge can’t make me if I’m in Cuba
Salty veterans, because shaking you over my chips makes them taste better
Food pictures, because salivating is half-way playing EVE
Contact Us | Links:
Discord: The Jura Tempest Federation
Zkill: The Jura Tempest Federation | Alliance | zKillboard