Frequent Crashes on macOS Sequoia with MBP M1 and Studio Display

Since yesterday my MBP totally crashes and restarts after a few minutes ingame. It only happens with a external display (Studio Display), without the display the game runs smoothly for hours.

It causes a panic crash:

panic(cpu 0 caller 0xfffffe0028fc8410): DCPEXT0 PANIC - IOMFB int_handler_gated: failure: axi_rd_err [0x40310634]

I suspect this has nothing to do with the game. Reference this post: M1 Pro and M1 Max MacBook Pro Owners Complain of Crashes Playing HDR YouTube Videos | Page 16 | MacRumors Forums

Note: I have MacBook Pro M1 running an Apple Studio Monitor. I have not seen this problem myself.