Mac client stability has significantly degraded recently

The issues seem to be most frequent on combat fleets, not necessarily in the midst of fighting. Things I’ve experienced:

  • The game just closes. No errors, no freezes before closing, just exits.
  • The game freezes up, I get the pinwheel. Sometimes it recovers, sometimes it doesn’t. This was happening with the outside view turned off, and once when I tried to turn outside view on. It did not recover when I turned outside view on and I had to force quit the game.

This has happened both in and out of combat. In very full fleets, and in half full fleets (~100 players). Within an hour, I had the game crash ~4 times. Goons are at war right now, so this is making the game borderline unplayable.

I’ve also been in mining fleets for hours, or traveling around on my own, and had no issues.

This also seems to be a recent issue. Prior to the current war I was a frequent participant on fleets, and did not have nearly this many issues, even in fights larger than the ones we’ve had in the current war.


I have had only one CTD in the past month, but a lot of odd disconnects. I say odd, because my Mac computers disconnect by my windows laptop keeps on working.

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I’ve had this experience as well and in the same types of situations; always has seemed to happen while I’m in a fleet. It’s very problematic.


I’m having this issue as well, can be replicated very easy in front of a busy keepstar 50+ players on the grid, it seems to be related to the shader set on high as well, my mac won’t crash as often when shaders are set on medium… I’m on M4 pro 24GB

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Playing M chip ?

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Since May, it’s not a matter of hardware but of code since an update in May, before we could all play on several sessions in full quality without any crash with M2 Pro chips in holes in the cases it worked perfectly
There are at least 3 discussions on the subject and we have opened dozens of support tickets !
Could you do something for us or or tell us a little more than the devs know please ^^
Thanks o7
I hope this make a ping ^^


Any problems with the M4 chipset?

I think it’s a general problem with all M chip, and when I say that I mean a CCP DEV problem ^^

That sucks. I really wanted to upgrade… Out of curiosity, were you running a single or multiple clients and in fullscreen or windowed?

1 client same crash full screen or not

yea M4

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Really discouraging - sorry to hear you guys are having issues.

for me it has become worse, crashing a lot now also on medium shaders

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Still crashing… ^^

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Just started playing on my M4 Pro vs Windows machine, I’ve noticed this as well during fleet fights. Doesn’t seem to be anything in particular, they’re not particularly large fights, it’s just random while flying around out in space.

I’d suggest start turning on loglite and make note of when you crash and check the logs

yea we did run loglite and did open tickets and send it to support, maybe do it as well so we have more people who push to get this issue solved…

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it seems there went a patch out today that solves the issue, ccp caffeine did respond in our other forum post about it, we all should now test if things are working and respond back in the forum

Do you have the link to the other forum post?

here is the other forum post, on my side things are looking good, I did not have any crashes in the same environment… I think the issue is solved… Frequent Crashes on macOS Sonoma with M2 Max and M1 MacBooks - #69 by Nick_Andemare

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