Frigate Conjecture

My favorite thing to do in eve is to do extreme things with smaller and smaller ships. To see what. I can pull off with all kinds of weird ships. Like a wreathe with 45k EHP or a destroyer with a 50mn MWD. I know that there are those stupid hard lol 4 burner missions, but then I thought can I get an assault frigate to do a lvl 4 mission? I have a retribution…I’m,going to test it…
[Retribution, Retribution - lvl 4?]
Assault Damage Control II
Coreli A-Type Small Armor Repairer
Centii A-Type Adaptive Nano Plating
Imperial Navy Heat Sink
Imperial Navy Heat Sink

Thukker Small Cap Battery
5MN Microwarpdrive II

Small Focused Pulse Laser II, Scorch S
Small Focused Pulse Laser II, Scorch S
Small Focused Pulse Laser II, Scorch S
Small Focused Pulse Laser II, Scorch S
[empty high slot]

Small Auxiliary Nano Pump II
Small Auxiliary Nano Pump II


I have completed every single L4 using a retribution, back when it only had a single mid slot.

You just have to manually pilot and prioritize destroying frigates that web.

It is not efficient at all, but it will help you understand manual piloting better.


You can run c2 wormhole sites with them / confessors too. For those you sig tank with an AB, though.


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