#fromragstoriches Challenge

I traded some Intact Armor Plates for his Orca… value is on the way up. Good luck!


Intact Armor Plates x86: currently 618m value

Swapped those nice plates for my trustworthy Rattlesnake. Keep up the good work! :slight_smile:


Rattlesnake with 3 “Large Core Defense Field Purger II”: currently 750m value

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PLEX x180: currently 775m value


PLEX x181: currently 779m value

182 PLEX!!


PLEX x182 khe: currently 782.5m value

I’m the 180->181 plex guy, get this ball rolling =)

Please do not trade +1 plex anymore coz thats not interesting xD

Traded for 10x federation stasis webifier.


Federation Navy Stasis Webifier x10: currently 860m value

Good luck with your mission, this is an interesting one to check out, but you never should have made the trade for PLEX. PLEX is a currency, evidenced by the fact that it is stored in your wallet alongside ISK, and is used directly as a currency to purchase things in the PLEX store, as well as gametime. So you sold the item for currency, instead of trading it up for a higher value item. Maybe selling the items for money, and then using the money to buy higher value items isn’t a problem for the rules of your challenge, but it would seem to me, to be problematic for it. The webs are questionable too, since you stipulated any ITEM, not ITEMS, but at least they’re not an officially sanctioned currency .

y, I guess I won’t accept plex anymore :slight_smile:

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Still trading :slight_smile: Federation Navy Stasis Webifier x10: currently 840m value

Still trading :slight_smile: Federation Navy Stasis Webifier x10 : currently 840m value (2)

Nevermind, prices for triglavian encryption and datacore dropped massively.

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