This topic is about a separate/integrated FUEL DISPLAY in the HUD.

This Display or Indicator should show you how much fuel your ship has (Jump and Indu/Siege/Triage Fuel) left.

The Display should give us the following information:

  1. Amount of Jump Fuel you have and the max. Jump Range (in LY) with it
  2. Amount of secondary Fuel for Indu/Siege/Triage module
  • With a time display or max cycles/runs of your siege/inducore/triage

Design possibilities:

  1. seperate window in the shortcut menu (like the jump navgation shortcut)
  2. a little button in the hud
  3. or fully integrated in the hud
  4. what do you think or show some of your ideas regarding this
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Without making it *too easy for people, I think this feature already exists.

Right click on little circular cargo icon on your HUD. You should be able to display fuelbays instead of cargo.

*Giving exact LY/cycle counts is too easy. Giving people an indicator of how much fuel is left by volume, or by percent is fine. Capital pilots should be expected to operate their brains on occasion.



Hover over it. It’s not the best solution, but it’s one, with Chocolate’s another.
Would certainly be nice to have a more intuitive option, though.

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While I’d hate to clutter up my UI even more, this would be nice.

Agreed pilot should use their brain, and I may never fly a capital. However we are talking state of the art spacecraft, shouldn’t this kind of info be readily available on the dashboard (HUD)?

When it comes to making games fun, gameplay should beat realism.

So yes, a high-tech teleporting ship of the distant future should be able to do that, but it just means there’s less for the player to do… the player becomes more of a watcher.

Yes you see there is anything in, but not what is in the fuel bay. Or not?

Giving exact LY/cycle counts is too easy. Giving people an indicator of how much fuel is left by volume, or by percent is fine. Capital pilots should be expected to operate their brains on occasion.> Blockquote

Real Life: You buy a new car and it has a Fuel dispaly what show you how many fuel it is in and shows you how many KM or Miles you can drive. And a hybrid car has this and a second display that shows you how many is in your battery and how many KM or Miles you can drive.

A car has it and a starship not?!

@Sid358, see my comment from just a few hours earlier; FUEL DISPLAY in the HUD

i have not see that sorry

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When it comes to making games fun, gameplay should beat realism.

So yes, a high-tech teleporting ship of the distant future should be able to do that, but it just means there’s less for the player to do… the player becomes more of a watcher.> Blockquote

yes is like the weapon feature.
you see with a right klick how many and what for ammunition you have. And you goes over you see in stats what it can.

Why does EVE need to be unnecessarily hard? Calculating out my fuel reserves does not add to my fun, and thus a feature that does this for me is adding to my enjoyment.

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I could ask the opposite - why does Eve need to be made trivially easy?

Different strokes for different folks. Just because something is not enjoyable for you, does not mean it is not enjoyable for everyone. You don’t speak for everyone… with a playerbase as diverse as this, nobody does.

if you desire calculating out your remaining fuel, the option remains viable even with this added feature. I think most people get enjoyment in calculating BS fits and market predictions, not so much in keeping up with daily needs.

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Which statement is wrong?

So you’re cherry picking out a single word and deliberately misinterpretting what I said?

Let me quote myself;

I never said you don’t speak for anybody. I said you don’t speak for everyone. You make speak for some, and that’s perfectly fine. What’s not fine is you making sweeping generalisations about what everyone finds fun.

Sorry, I mis-understand your statement. Reply retracted.

On the other hand, I don’t think anyone is trying claim that.



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