Except you’re missing the entire premise of my original post. The militia warzone is a grey zone of interstellar affairs. There is an interstellar order established by the signatories of the CONCORD Assembly where at least for now there is agreement to adhere to its rules and treaties, where unilateral military action in that context has potential repercussions, and economic interdependence through SCC regulated free markets makes total war undesirable compared to the financial benefits of maintaining the status-quo of CONCORD.
CONCORD signatory states remain constrained in their actions and hostilities towards perceived rivals. This is where presenting rivals with escalatory dilemmas for hostile action towards them makes operations in the grey zone of diplomacy appealing for nation-states knowing the constraints that presently exist.
The militia warzone isn’t about a decisive victory for one side or another, it’s when the parties involved recognize the benefits of having a destabilized security framework on their shared borders with a rival state and where de-escalation or deconfliction is not desired as is the present case.
An example of an operation in the interstellar grey zone is indeed Floseswin. The invasion by House Sarum of Floseswin presented the government of the Republic with an escalatory dilemma: The Republic military could have responded with overwhelming force against the forces of House Sarum and curtailed the invasion rapidly; however doing so would have risked a military escalation and response from the Amarr Empire which might lead to a war the Republic was not yet ready to fight.
I believe Arrach Sarum knew this from the outset and either an escalation from the Republic threatening absolute war or as was the case a more limited Republic response leading to months of attritional ground fighting would have led to an advantage for House Sarum as the vanguard of Imperial Reclaiming. Either the Republic would instigate a broader conflict as Sarum desired or as happened the months of ground fighting would allow Sarum to position themselves as the political and religious leader of a new Reclaiming movement within the courts of the Empire in contravention of the previous diplomacy of Amarrian leaders such as Emperor Heideran VII.
However, the initial beachheads and landings by House Sarum into Floseswin would not have been possible if local space superiority in the system had not been achieved and held by the capsuleer and regular forces of the 24th Imperial Crusade. In this one can see how the militias while not being able to be decisive in ‘winning’ a war can create the space and opportunity for nation-states or factions therein to take advantage of in a grey zone operation.
Which is what the objective of grey zone operations are: exploiting opportunities and weaknesses presented by a rival state to create the cumulative advantages desired prior to full escalation of armed conflict.
Such opportunities and weaknesses abound to be exploited in the future within the militia conflict zones.