
So i’ll have 6 character slots to do 50 different things and chacrters trained with injectors. The neew eve is ok. Planet mining, jita trade, pve, invention too! Is this heaven or utopia in a video game??

Runa please. I will login wilth alpha jump one system. see there is no problem. log off it. Login with omega. Jump. Logoff. Swtich to alpha etc…

Alpha acount is not a solution. Please roam in lowsec and nullsec more and then try to help about this problem.

I cant rule it out until I know what the term exactly refers to?

I dont remember all my game plays about D2. Was a while ago. I do remember I was ranked like 30th in the world on WCIII for a while

almost every answer here told you that you are wrong. So maybe, instead of keeping on saying “i am right” you should guess that there is something wrong with you…
gatecamps are a problem? as other said: find a friend, a second account, etc
or if you are omega, just fly an instawarp ceptor.
HTFU, man. Nothing has to be “fair” here. You are in the wrong game.

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Players cant play hardcore diablo if there is a gatecamp and otherside 5 pvp players are waiting for them that they cant see.

Obviously you never Whirlwinded into yyour paladin who threw up thorns last second anleft your partyfor the lolz

Ok for you better to understand.

  • Find a friend:
    a: You cannot always find a friend to roam around. That means ok no friend online and i should be offline?
    b: Every friend may not want to roam as you do.
    c: Some players may want to roam as solo.

  • Second acount:
    a. Yes this is the problem. Why to buy the second acount? Just for gatecampers who likes to kill people as 5v1.
    b. What they are suggesting as to use an alpha acount which they didnot try. You cant login with an omega and alpha acount at the same time. They are not providing a solution. And they dont know what they are talking about.

  • etc. Which you didnot mention.

    • Dotlan, corp tools etc. They are not effective.
  • Your solution is to use an interceptor:
    a. Then you are just a scout.


  • Your solution is to use an interceptor:
    a. Then you are just a scout.

“for you better to understand”,
no we also gave you advices about mwd/cloak trick, which you can use on cloaky haulers, etc. I also talked about the victory yacht
and you should really think of joining a corp, where you can find friends. more than one.

since you did not give any info about where gatecamps are disturbing you (hi sec? low sec? null?) and for which activity (hauling? solo pvp roaming? ) we cannot help you more than that, because in eve everything is situational.

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Burak youd have done horribly in Guadalcanal. “Why did that guy explode? Life isnt fair.”

EvE prides itself on realism. And player policing. HS is big enough


Ok lets do it this way.

What i am suggesting is simple. Just a tool as d-scan to see the other side of the gate. Without buying the second acount to have a mechanic like this.

Why you are against this? Tell me your facts.

Because it’s bad enough we have local

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Also Burak. Finding corps is super easy. EvE is a common toilet. You just cant have a full game experience solo.

Burak you can just as easily assume ALL gates are camped.

The question isnt how to avoidgate camps. But why you keep dying to them. There are solo solutions to this already.

There are reasons piracy is low margin. Anti-gatecamp strategies work like 99.98% of the time

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If you are in an interceptor, mwd/cloak ship etc. and you have corpmates make hauling for you. and you generaly go outside with fleets. or do mining.

Eve is not a game for only for this type of players. At least i dont think as it.

The rates of loss of big haulers enforcing good rules is even less.

But if you’re making that big of isk then youd have people around you to help. Lots of isk means lots of friends wanting isk

Engagements happen at the places where people can be on grid with each other and the most common location that happens is at gates.

There is no problem to solve here, because these days there are few true gate camps. Nourvakaiken gate in Tama. Absolutely yes. That’s a camped gate and easily avoided.

Nullsec groups can quickly spin up a camp to limit someone they know is coming.

However in general I suspect what you are seeing more is that you are just jumping into a system and there just happens to be another group on the in-gate, simply because they are waiting for their scout to report for them. They aren’t camping the gate, you’re just a target of opportunity for another fleet that is also roaming.

Speaking of Diablo…


You just don’t know your enemy and the solution eludes you. Know our enemy. Here’s what THEY are thinking:

Without watching the video the thumbail looks like the Butcher in the Cathedral level.

That’s pretty awesome +1. I was top 10 monthly on average on Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun around 2000? I had 512k dial-up and a gf who would always pick up the phone at the wrong time and get mad at me?.
In hindsight, it wasn’t so great, I’d be top 5 if not disconnected all the time.

Uber diablo got you some stone that gave you +3 to attributes/spells or something. You fought him in a deserted town/your HQ.

I reinforce gatecamps are awesome and I like them.