[Gildinous Vangaurd - INIT] Recruiting Pilots Of all Backgrounds! [All TZ]

Greeting Fellow space nerds.

Gildinous Vangaurd is recruiting! (Yes, we know its mispelled). If your looking for a place you can be proud of being a member and a place that offers a miriad of content, this is the right place for you! Come join the corporation in one of the most renown alliances in the game, The Initiative. Come take part in all parts of the game, and become the boogyman of New Eden!

What we offer:
Large Fleet PVP to Small Gang focused content
Deployments and a PVP focus
Special Interest Groups of various Kinds
A Thriving and Diverse Industy
Capital gameplay
Realistic Requirements of Activity

And much more!

Come stop by our ingame channel at GILDI. or reach out to a recruiter via our discord or also ingame! Were excited to have you!

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