Gnosis Insurance

Because SOCT ships are cheaper than normal ships and way more versatile. There is no point in making them worse to dissuade people from using them. Why use a 50M BC when you can use a 30M Gnosis? Even after insurance, Gnosis are cheaper. Reducing their stats would also create bad feelings in those who legitimately use them.
Hard limits are much more effective in curbing the abuse of these ships while still allowing them to be the cool test object for new players to try out the bigger ship classes without too much skill specialization.
Hence I would first try the hard limit and then see if formerly abusing players just start rerolling characters to keep using these cheap handouts or if players start using actual ships. If indeed lots of people start rerolling characters, a stats nerf would be reasonable to do.

Gnosisā€¦cost 60m

DPS 840 ā€¦ Heavy Pulse Laser + drones
EHP 55K ā€¦ with two shield extenders and a shield hardener
Range 19km Conflag 37km Scorch
Align time 3.5 seconds

Phantasmā€¦.cost 300m

DPS 732 ā€¦ Heavy Pulse Laser + drones ( and the Phantasm has a 150% Medium Energy Turret bonus ! )
EHP 41K ā€¦ with two shield extenders and a shield hardener
Range 14K Conflagā€¦28K Scorch
Align time 5 seconds

Why pay 5 times as much for something in which every single parameter is less good ?

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Apples / Oranges. The Phantasm excels on other fields where speed, low signature and high tracking matters more than raw tank and DPS.


A worm does less dps than a drone cruiser, why is it more expensive?

Excels ? Noā€¦it doesnā€™t. For example with Heavy Pulse Laserā€¦

Gnosis turret tracking 25
Phantasm turret tracking 31

Signature radius ? Wellā€¦without the Core Defence Field Extenders the Gnosis still has more EHP and

Gnosis signature radius 300
Phantasm signature radius 171

I would not call either of the above ā€˜excellingā€™ .

Oh, and the Gnosis has double the scan resolution so can lock faster, which in itself makes up for some of that signature radius.

The only place the Phantasm has significant advantage is the speedā€¦where it is about 3 times faster. But the Gnosis has the greater range, more drones, higher DPS, higher EHP, faster align time, higher scan resolution, only marginally less turret trackingā€¦thatā€™s a lot of factorsā€¦and you can lose 5 of them for the price of one Phantasm !

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That is exactly why the Gnosis needs to be limited to use only by new players. Old players need to learn the principle of trade-offs and compromises. The Gnosis completely upheavals this core gameplay principle of EVE for no good reason. It only causes harm to the game.

As for the fitting comparison: You should compare BC with BC. For instance, your Gnosis could be compared with an Oracle:

[Oracle, *Oracle PVP -A- Banana]
Damage Control II
Multispectrum Energized Membrane II
Multispectrum Coating II
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
1600mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates

Tracking Computer II
Small Capacitor Booster II
50MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive

Mega Pulse Laser II
Mega Pulse Laser II
Mega Pulse Laser II
Mega Pulse Laser II
Mega Pulse Laser II
Mega Pulse Laser II
Mega Pulse Laser II
Mega Pulse Laser II

Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I

Conflagration L x8

Slightly less EHP, but more DPS, more range, more DPS, but way more expensive, and obviously no regenerative shield tank. Pulse Shield Oracles are possible, but they have way less tank. Not to mention no utility on this ship at all.

You could also go for a Harbinger with armor tank:

[Harbinger, *Harbinger PVE]
Medium Armor Repairer II
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
Thermal Armor Hardener II
EM Armor Hardener II
Damage Control II

10MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
Parallel Enduring Target Painter
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II

[Empty High slot]
Heavy Pulse Laser II
Heavy Pulse Laser II
Heavy Pulse Laser II
Heavy Pulse Laser II
Heavy Pulse Laser II
Heavy Pulse Laser II

Medium Energy Collision Accelerator I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

Conflagration M x6

Again less DPS (unless you count in drones like Hammerhead II), less tank, higher cost, but comparable range. And way less utility.

Gnosises donā€™t require these compromises. This is a big problem for a game that markets itself as requiring its players to make difficult decisions at every step of the gameplay. SOCT ships subvert this principle completely

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First: its easy to make such claims without linking a fit you are talking about. It is always easy to build a fit that has high stats in one department, but clear disadvantages on other parts that can be easily exploited in a real PvP situation.

Second: The ability to take or leave engagements at will is something the Phantasm has and the Gnosis hasnā€™t. The Gnosis can hold itā€™s ground and hope the opponent is stupid enough to come and/or stay in range for the kill (aka ā€œbrawl it outā€), but no clever attacker will ever do that against a Gnosis. The Phantasm is the way better ship in any mobile roaming smallscale gang (or solo) where speed and the ability to catch stuff that doesnā€™t want to be tackled and evade stuff that tries to tackle is is priority #1. Those two ships have completely different usecases, so you canā€™t just go and compare raw DPS or eHP when the main difference is the mobility and ability to dictate fights.


Wellā€¦noā€¦you only get those particular Gnosis stats with Omega, and its not exactly 5 minutes of training. The 840 DPS ( without overheatingā€¦930 DPS with overheating ) requires a number of level V skills. Also level V for the shields, align time, etc etc.

A noob alpha in a Gnosis will be lucky to get 300-400 DPS out of it. I have a maxed out Alpha that has it on 650 DPS.

People go with whatever works. There is no ā€˜shouldā€™. For example I use a double the price ( 120m ISK ) Gnosis with T2 rigs and 100K EHP with three inertial stabilisers ( align time 2.6 seconds ) for transporting some expensive low volume stuff around highsec. It worksā€¦thatā€™s all that matters to me. It ā€˜canā€™ be caught, if people are quick enough, but then they have 100K EHP to contend with.

Also, because the Gnosis is so flexible itā€™s a great ship for simply learning how to fit shipsā€¦and those skills can then be passed on to whatever ā€˜properā€™ ships one should be using. That is itā€™s real benefit.

Youā€™re not dictating the fight if the Gnosis can lock on you and blow you out of the sky with 930 DPS ( overheated ) before youā€™ve even gotten within kiting range. The extra speed is the only real advantage you have in the Phantasm, and if you are out at 20km the Gnosis turret tracking can more than cope before you get too close. Plus the Hammerhead II drones are alone 230 of the DPS.

Of course, as Dyver says, Iā€™m not comparing like for like. Iā€™m looking primarily at what I get for my ISK. The Gnosis is low enough cost to be virtually expendable ( some even use it as a ganking ship ) and I doubt that on a one to one Iā€™d lose 5 of them for every Phantasmā€¦thatā€™s the point.

Do you only fly in high sec, or do you believe that 100k EHP and 2.6 align time will save you from a low sec insta locking gatecamp?


Are you really that ignorant or are you just trolling? They are not the same class of tool. You just do different things with these two kind of ships? You are comparing a Pickup Truck with a Sportscar. A Hammer with a Wrench. DPS or eHP isnā€™t what makes the Phantasm great or not great, itā€™s speed and especially the part that you canā€™t easily remove itā€™s mobility with a scrambler, itā€™s ability to shake off tacklers are the features that make it a good ship for mobile PvP. No Phantasm pilot with a working braincell will ever lose to your ā€œ930 DPS Gnosisā€ in a 1on1 situation. Because it would simply leave as soon as it notices that you are Pulse Laser Gnosis and you have zero ways to stop it, because it surely wonā€™t begin the fight at 0m. Holy ā– ā– ā– ā–  why am I even talking to you. Someone using Hammerhead II on a PvP ship is not even worth wasting a single word.


Iā€™m afraid simply being rude and insulting does not make you correct.

I call BS. I didnā€™t have to look more than a page or so to find thisā€¦where a Gnosis did most of the damageā€¦

Ohā€¦and hereā€™s a solo caseā€¦

Erā€¦the bit you left out, you know, the ā€˜for transporting some expensive low volume stuff around highsecā€™ bitā€¦already negated the need for you to even ask :slight_smile:

Put tama and abhazon in the avoid list and that clears up a decent chunk of danger lol.

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wrong they are worth a single tritanium as that is what it costs to build

Yes, for LEARNING. But 4700 Gnosises in 7 days involved in PVP are not LEARNING. They are being used by pilots who definitely do not need to learn any longer. That is why I suggest that Gnosises need to be limited to people who actually LEARN the game. Everyone else should have to put what they LEARNED to practical use in actual ships.

Thatā€™s completely irrelevant to the conversation. You also donā€™t get my DPS numbers on the Oracle and Harbinger without full training. Thatā€™s to be expected. Itā€™s for illustration purposes. The numbers are the same for alpha, just lower across the board. :facepalm:

no, Knowlede and Experience are making me correct.

Completely unrelated to the discussion as we simply donā€™t know what has happened there. The Gnosis never had the chance to hold the Phantasm alone because it is way too slow for that. As you can see it was a clear 2v1 with the Tengu probably MWD+LongRange fit being able to chase and applying enough damage to score the kill.

Yeah a ā€œsolo caseā€ against a badly fitted Phantasm flown by a Char that has more losses than kills and looking at his killboard history little idea how to fight at all :rofl: . Bascially what I said: If you are decent player you may wreck a noob in a Phantasm, but if both players know what they are doing, you wonā€™t see that happening ever.

Itā€™s completely beyond me why you canā€™t see how stupid your argumentation is. Just from looking at the sheer DPS numbers, no one should ever fly a Gila, Orthrus, Phantasm, Vigilant, Cynabal etcā€¦ because he could simply use a ā€œ60M throwaway Gnosis!!!ā€. And you just donā€™t realize that these ships are just being used in a complete different way a Gnosis is used. Not saying the Gnosis isnā€™t good, it is, it even is completely OP for itā€™s cost and skill requirements (you can look it up, I said so multiple times) - but it just isnā€™t comparable to a faction cruiser by looking at the DPS or eHP.


Well, no it isnā€™t. You boldly stepped in with your ā€™ no true Scotsmanā€™ claim and within a few minutes Iā€™d found examples of Gnosis wiping out Phantasms. Of course you are then going to claim the pilot was not a true Scotsman !

And the argument was never in the first place that the Gnosis is better than the Phantasm in every possible aspect, but that Iā€™d found more than enough better aspects for something that is 1/5 of the cost.

Because it isnā€™t. I have to lose 5 Gnosis for your 1 Phantasmā€¦no matter how true a Scotsman you are. Egregious arguments about what your ship is being ā€˜usedā€™ for are irrelevant if just one of those 5 gets the kill.

You keep saying the Phantasm can run away. But then by definition there is no fight and nothing happens to either side. But it cannot always run away.

Only one way to find out, lift his kilt.

And therefore wins by griefing the Gnosis

From a Gnosis, yes it can unless the pilot is a noob.

Obviously not a true Scotsman.