Why can’t I get my ship insured properly they offering me a cost of 1 isk for a 4isk insurance payement that ridiculus
Jove ships have no insurance as they are provided to the playerbase for free as gifts often.
They are also cheaper than a more specialised ship, and have no real piloting requirements.
Presently I have a Sunesis destroyer And I’m in <url=showinfo:2501//60015139 alt=‘Current Station’>Abudban IV - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic Support I don’t know why I cant get insurance for the ship
I just told you though
Sunesis is a Jove ship
Brilliant little ninja salvager. It can align faster than a shuttle if set up right
OK Thanking you
Youre welcome
Insurance is calculated from the mineral prices required to build the ship. Jove ships all take 1 trit to build IMHO.
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