What Could Possibly Go Wr0ng?
If you join us you can find out numerous and hysterical answers to this age old question.
Who are we?
Ghosts of New Eden is the K-Space (Known Space) division of the Wr0ng Alliance.
Many of our pilots have flown together since 2012 in nearly all aspects of Eve.
Our Philosophy:
Player vs Player interaction is the ultimate expression of the Eve environment and to be able to properly enjoy this you need friends to fly with and a steady, reliable income. We don’t make anyone participate, instead we believe that it is far more effective to build a culture of teamwork, a fun atmosphere and friendships that makes it impossible for you to resist helping.
What do we offer?
Skilled and experienced trainers
Opportunities to do hilariously stupid things
Close Knit community of smartasses
Voice and Text based communication and comradery (Discord)
Scheduled PvE and PvP operations, including occasional wars for fun, training or profit.
What are we looking for?
Pilots who want to fly together
PVE pilots who want to become comfortable in Pvp
PVP pilots who want to learn how to afford ships to lose in PVP.
Where do we live and operate?
Gallente Highsec with excursions into Lowsec, Nullsec and Wormhole space.
Syndicate (NPC NullSec)
What do we require?
A sense of humour or at least not take yourself too seriously. We WILL make fun of your ingame pain and expect you to do the same.
An understanding that Internet Spaceships are Super Cereal but Real Life comes first.
Full API
Ability to be on voice comms for operations. (Discord)
If you are interested in what we have to offer then you can either join our public channel “Well of Souls” or send Dayln Greywolf a message.