GPUOpen FidelityFX

How do you use this feature. I see full page talking about a feature with no instructions on how to use it. I cant locate instructions on the internet. Can anyone help?

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‘The performance cost of this enhancement is negligible relative to pre-existing post-processing. However, it has been decided that this feature will only be enabled when the ‘Post Processing’ setting within EVE is set to ‘High’ for the moment’

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More importantly, if I have to turn on high post processing, will the sun washing out the entire system finally be fixed? I’ve had post processing on low just because light washing out everything for a couple years now.

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It’s coming on the 4th. As stated in the devblog

The real question is if CCP purposely trolled us all those months with the “clear vision” ad in game, or that it’s just a coincidence.

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We’re all going to have clear vision. Whether we like it or not.

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