[GSF] [ELU] El Ultimo Hombre - recruiting all TZ

Capsuleer’s of new Eden, we welcome you to join our active corps El Ultimo Hombre , a member of one of the largest alliances in the game. A null sec corporation that is big enough to cope, yet still small enough to care about its members, as well as allow you the chance to help shape the future of the organization? We are looking for active, motivated players who are interested in contributing to the corporation and the alliance as a whole.

In-game public recruitment channel: Hombre’s Bar
Alliance: Goonswarm Federation
Corp: El Ultimo Hombre [ELU]

As a corporation, we can offer you:
-Community and Forum support with detailed info on:
Upgraded Ratting Systems
Corp Operated Moon Mining
Farming LP
Future Market sales buy/sell
Players from all time zones

-Training, mentor-ship to advance your game play
-An extensive buyback program
Ore, Ice, and Moon goo

Whats offered as an alliance member of Goonswarm Federation:
Large Fleet battles
Small gang roams
Ship Replacement Programs
A large logistical network; jump bridges, endless space filled with ratting/mining
Access to many alliance SIGs (special interest groups)

Expectations of Applicants:
-Zero Tolerance to any drama i.e. ratting, mining, anything.
-Communication is key!

If any of this appeals to you, please join our in game public channel Hombre’s Bar , corps name El Ultimo Hombre. Alpha/Omega’s, newbro’s, and bittervets welcomed!

Join our in game public channel Hombre’s Bar !

Join our in game public channel Hombre’s Bar!

Join our in game public channel Hombre’s Bar!

Join our in game public channel Hombre’s Bar!

Join our in game public channel Hombre’s Bar!

Join our in game public channel Hombre’s Bar!

Join our in game public channel Hombre’s Bar!

Please note, the forum rules only allow for a bump Once per 24 hour period. Please don’t bump it more than once per day.

Join our in game public channel Hombre’s Bar!

Join our in game public channel Hombre’s Bar!

Join our in game public channel Hombre’s Bar!

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