Hauling - Give us the UI tools

Yes to weed out the ■■■■ FOR YOU, as in, something to do YOUR job for you

You clearly don’t remember the old escrow system do you, or the days before contracts had colours or the joys of freeform contracts, they already gave you far more hand holding than you really deserved, at some point they have to tell you to start paying attention and to read things

I’ve been here since 2004 and i’ve managed to be scammed zero times, i made a grand total of 1 purchase mistake where i paid 10mil for a 10k shuttle once while i was in a massive rush, i’ve already given you multiple reasons as to why this is a bad idea outside of just “learn to read”, enabling this makes it easier to bot the system, it also means that legitimate contracts will get ignored and thats on top of the “get good” part, and the lazy players being bad players part is entirely accurate, being lazy in EVE gets you separated from your assets, and you do not want to encourage people to be lazy, well, you don’t, i’m happy for lazy people to make mistakes, i have very few issues relocating their assets for them :wink:

+1 on this. It is s simple UI change that is useful for players who “get it”, not a crutch for idiots.

A few, I think the 99% scam number posted is probably accurate. Also OP is not going to accept POS contracts either way, this is just a UI improvement, so if you are the 1% not scamming you are going to get punished with or without this checkbox.

@Salt Foambreaker

He doesn’t get that it is just a UI improvement to weed out the crap. The ‘stupid’ people that fall for the scam probably wouldn’t use the proposed addition to the UI anyway.

I don’t get why this wasn’t already instituted into the system.

On one hand we have CCP saying even making your corps name to impersonate an NPC corp is bannable. But then we have them not be able to let us identify easily NPC stations on contracts.

To me it was like here is a system that is all nice, now here is a complete turd bomb to make you never want to even risk using it. Gee why is it used so little?

Must every conceivable system in this game have an associated scam for it to be worthwhile?

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