Hello all, I’ve been off-line for several months and was curious if new gates have been added or removed. Before, I made a few trips between Amarr and Jita and the route was always through Uedama, even eve-gatecheck routed through Uedama. After coming back, I planned another trip between Amarr and Jita and the route is different, same with eve-gatecheck, neither routed through Uedama.
Has anything changed or am I loosing my mind?
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Have you added Uedama to an ‘avoid’ list, or checked something else in your route planner?
Nothing has changed so it’s your client that is changed and as Kezrai stated it’s probably an avoid issue.
Click A left of Route, click manage route, select avoidance list. Remove systems from the list that would affect that route (it doesn’t have to be Uedama itself, could also be another).
It appears was a setting, I didn’t think I changed the settings, but its been awhile. Greatly appreciate the replies/info.
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