Hel online

few mont hago i m tacle sabre with my
vengeance Afterburner !

even a cruiser can not track me

he drop a super and the super kill me !


note : i killed the sabre :stuck_out_tongue:

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i think CCP wan people buy max plex to get injector and super

but it is a very bad idea because with Super everywhere we will just stop the game and yo uwill stay alone in space with your super

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EVE is a nice game and i understand CCP is a privat company wan make money

but if you go to much pay for win Eve will die, i m sure


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But you are not everyone sweethart <3

Adapt or die - was always the main rule in this game. Can i get Hel too?



another boo hoo I cant solo a super in a frigate post…what are we up to now 987367362189 kiddies whining about not being able to solo a 25 bill isk super with a throwaway frig. get real

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Or you could say, oh man you are so very terrible at EVE that you need a sooper dooper dooper dooper ship and 5 fighters to let the server fight for you in an ship the size of a small planet and create a scenario where the weak will always win because they are so gudddh at server versus player.

Why do people think that you can solo a hel in a tiny cruiser, much less 5 of them?

a hel costs 20-30bn ISK and has 20something million EHP and has fighters that specialize in killing other fighters and tiny frigates.

you should be afraid if you see one, otherwise a supercarrier isnt exactly super


You dont want be droped upon with supers ?

I see you are a solo pilot.
So your problem is easy to evade - dont engage supers/carries in anoms.

Small gangs can defang a super real easy and I mean easy.

That being said, 9/10 alliances will not engage enemy gang in supers. We will for subs and engage subs - unless you go stupid and engage Rorqs or rating supers. Then yeah, you will be droped upon. Dont sh*t in other peoples food bowl and fun can be had.

Solo player ? Go kill random people, subcap ratters, etc. People wont care and a small party will be organised to engage you.

There are many people with 10+ years of EVE play.
They have ISK, they have skills, they want expensive toys. Kinda comes natural.

No, engaging a carrier solo in a faction cruiser is not a brilliant idea.

People enjoy different play styles.

As for super tracking a smaller ship - he needs multiple modules to do so and sacrifice tank.

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