Help! I obviously have no idea what I'm doing anymore - 200m SP Pilot looking for inspiration

Heya! :slight_smile:

Honestle, not totally sure we are a good fit but I can sense some good vibes and it wont hurt with a chat if you have time (not now cause i’ll hit the pillow).
But you can read some more about us HERE. It’s the typical ‘corp info thread’… I would really advice you to jump into our discord server here instead and have a chat, ask questions etc :slight_smile:
Then if you are really bored you should check out the Recruitment thread :stuck_out_tongue:

UMAH is not focusing on any specific playstyle, we mix it up, same goes with timezones… we like to spread out and keep a activity around the clock!

What I can’t deliver tho is a steady WH home, it’s something we aren’t touching more then a few who likes to dive down there, perhaps do some gas mining or what not. But we live in Fountain + surrounding areas :slight_smile: Have a small little corp home aswell that we play around with.

Anyways, discord … give it a go. Can’t hurt to chat! :slight_smile:
If not UMAH, then I still hope you find a great place to spend your gametime at!


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