High-Sec Indy Corp Looking for Returning Players

Still recruiting looking for a new home drop us a line

We are still recruiting drop me a line in game.

We are bringing on fresh young Indy players as well as seasoned vets making some great teams to take Mining Ops, and Salvage Ops. If you want to learn we are willing to teach. If you have the skill to teach we have player that want to learn

Recruiting Still Open

Come check us out

I am a returning player after a couple of years off and i am looking for a new group to play with.
I am a mining focus player and would like to join up with others.
Could i get some further information about your group

Thank you

Hey Alex drop by our online chat 2Mine or send this a toon a message in game

Connect with this toon inworld for more info

I’m looking to make a return to eve and will need a new home. What time zone is the corp in? I’m in US east -5:00.
I’ve got quite a lot of SP in mining, industrial, and hauling.

We have many members in that time zone

Mining rocks, and building ship, transporting them to market is what we do come join the fun. Become a part of the full supply chain

Hello, I’m looking for high sec mining / indy Corp, whare are you guys in EvE? Which system is your HQ? and what time you mainly playing? I’m in Europe UTC +0 GMT time.

drop me a line in game

Come fly with us Make ISk and have some fun

Check out this toon Bio in game and join our Public chat see what we are all about

come fly with us

I’ve merged your two postings. One ad per corporation should be enough.

Our Corp teaches players Indy, from mining to manufacturing, research, and inventing. Corp structured in a way where a new player can contribute and feel like they are a apart of something bigger. While knowing your corp mates. You will not be a cog on a wheel.

Wanna fly with a good group of people check us out

interested in what you have going. I am returning old school miner / Industrialist. I have dabbled in efverything from basic mining ops to WH manufacturing, HSA/NS/LS ops, WH OPS, and have manufactured everything from frigs to cap ships. feel free to send me an ingame mail
Viceroy Blagh