[HIGH-SEC mercenary services] - JITA HOLDING INC

Dosens of contracts completed. We care about our reputation. Hire JH

We dont do drama. Hire us

Hire us. We’re good

Dosens of contracts completed. We care about our reputation. Hire JH

Contact me in game, I’m in need of your services.

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Hire us, we are cool

Dosens of contracts completed. We care about our reputation. Hire JH

Hire us, we know how to rock

Looking hire you guys, when would be a good time to get in contact.

i have send you mail

So your working with blackflag now?

What means working with? We do our stuff, they - theirs

Dosens of contracts completed. We care about our reputation. Hire JH

Have messaged you guys a couple times but no responses.

ingame mail send, sorry, too many mails sometimes

Dosens of contracts completed. We care about our reputation. Hire JH