[HIGH-SEC mercenary services] - JITA HOLDING INC

Well, you all know PIRAT is dead, so we are now independent and can offer the following services:

  1. War Declaration. We will war dec a target and hunt them;
  2. Protection services. We can protect your citadels and assets. Or you can use our full protection program (terms are individual);
  3. Citadel bashing. We will take down the target citadel (s);
  4. Trade hub. We will ensure your enemy is attacked near the main trade hubs;
  5. War assists. If someone attacks you, we will assist and use diplomacy to have the war ended or assist and fight for you.

A list of diplomatic contacts:
Doctor per (EN/RU)
Jennifer Maricadie (RU)

did the adjustment bureau reject your corps application into the new remake?

i never asked to join cos i have my own project.

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Looking for some help. What’s your rates?

Please send me ingame mail or convo and we can discuss details

Remember you have 2 maybe 3 alliances out of this break up, Black Flag, Adjustment Bereau and whatever the marmite dudes do…

At least there ist no high - sec “block” anymore.

We will do dirty work for you

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Per you should create your own adds.
This is looking like a Pirat clone.

Hire us

How much to take out all the custom offices from sirseshin system?

Send me more information ingame please

Need a citadel… serviced:

Region: Genesis
Constellation: Sanctum
Solar System: Tar

Target: Tar - High Command (Astrahaus)
Celestia Holdings

Pm me ingame if interested

mail sended

We will do dirty work for you. just be ready to pay

hire us