Hole Punchers - Thera - Roaming and BLOPs - USTZ/EUTZ

Hole Punchers is recruiting chill roamers for good times! We are primarily based in USTZ with a decent EUTZ presence. We live in Thera which provides a plethora of pvp opportunities, and with new npc station clone swapping living there has never been better!

What we offer

-Lots of small roams and BLOPs fleets.

-A chill community.

-Some isk making options for alts outside of Thera.

-Discord and Galaxyfinder for tracking wormholes.

What we are looking for from you

-Be a pvp focused pilot with some roaming experience.

-Ability to speak English and have a working mic to join us on Discord.

-Be able to fly a Loki.

-Have a mature attitude.

Contact us and more info


I miss having you in Wormhole space !

Tonight we BUMPED a freighter off tether Fenrir | Airin Distracted | Killmail | zKillboard

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