How do I defend myself when I get ganked?

This bit of advice is going to sound strange and counterintuitive. And it will draw a particular individual out of the wood work to try and derail this thread into another “grrr ganking is griefing. Ban it from high sec.” And completely ignore your plea for help while at the same time dismissing any sort of actions you have taken or real help and advice given.

But here is a bit more.

One of the best ways to learn how to avoid a gank, is to actually learn how to gank. Now I’m not saying you should make your EvE career into this. What I am saying is get in touch with some gankers and have them show you how it’s done. When you learn their tricks, you learn how to countermand it. Despite what some people will say, most gankers will try and help you if you show genuine interest in learning how to become a better player.


F10, d-scan, local.

Social interaction? In my MMO? WTF is this?

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Just buy a permit and you’ll be safe… only 10 mil ISKies, a real bargain. :wink: :smiling_imp: :smirk: :popcorn:

At least you have kill rights now on them.
Bring a friend or two to sit on the opposite side of the gate. Activate the KR and take them out…
It’s not a huge loss for them, but its a little bit of satisfaction for you.

I think Aiko changed the permit price when she took over. I don’t think it is 10 mil anymore.

I think its 30 mil now.

Inflation is a ■■■■■.

I was online when McLovin realized there was a 90% loot drop going on and he said in the chat:
-this is the first time I will use my credit card to sub these accounts

This shows how determined he was, so if you flew into his camp you will hardly escape.

I have a few inputs:

  • if you get tackled… overheat everything and fly away from the tackler, there’s a little chance you can fly off the point range and warp off, but you have to overheat in the first cycle.

  • you had an afterburner, if you are close to the gate, go back to the gate and take gate, don’t shoot at anybody… it is important that you first overheat the afterburner and then activate it while spamming the jump icon

  • overheat defenses and turn on that hardener

  • if there was no escape then you gotta shoot your first attacker, there is a little chance you can finish him off because he will be taking gate guns, sometimes killing 1 or 2 is just enough to survive

I don’t think it would be possible escaping a rupture gank through tanking, your only chance of survival in a Stormbringer was going back to the gate and taking gate or flying away the point range and warp off fast.

I am telling all these because are basic things about gate games, this includes low sec, null sec, whs, anywhere literally… this is for solo warriors trying to survive.

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I’d use a travel fit with a cloak and mwd.

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That’s something I would never have thought of… if you want to survive ganking, learn how the gankers think…

Careful though, you might like it better than grinding.

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You will also learn a lot about EvEs C an P system as well and what does what and how players utilize it for their benefit as well.


Not possible. Prey are incapable of thinking like a predator. They need to accept that they are as evolution goes, at the bottom of the food chain.

Instead of trying to be clever, I suggest they buy a mining permit, and then GTFO when safety enters the system.

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This. You’ve heard the saying “you can’t make a hoe a housewife”? Same thing goes for carebears and gankers…

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Hmmm…well, I can try, can’t I? At least learning some general patterns and how to work around them.

Watch dscan, watch local, don’t afk. Those three things right there will solve 90% of your ganking problems…


I’m moving away from the term “carebear.” It seemed appropriate for the player base of 5+ years ago. But a new generation of players have joined. And their attitudes, expectations and entitled behaviors have forced me to reevaluate my terminology. I now use “crybear.”

Carebears avoid risky situations.
Crybears want to remove risk and turn it into entitled gains for them.

That only removes 95% of the risk. That’s unacceptable. The solution has to remove 100% of the risk and reward the pilot with some sort of compensation for doing absolutely nothing. Like a participation prize.


Ah geez…I’m not risk averse, otherwise I wouldn’t play. I just don’t like feeding the salt miners.

Preventive measures is all you can do… the moment you undock you are risking being ganked.

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This one I never heard, but I heard “the perfect wife is a hoe at bed but a lady on the street”
:house: + :point_right::ok_hand: vs :motorway: + :woman: