So don’t. When a scuzzy scum bag pirate like me blows you up and says GF in local. Respond with GF back. A GF isn’t some sort of snarky remark. It means, thank you for the engagement and the encounter. No hard feelings.
The only time I start mining salt is if the other person goes ape and starts up on the whole death threat cry fest.
And in fact when a new player comes back with “can you tell me where I messed up? What could I have done better.” I give them a lot of feedback, and resources and free lessons in pvp and ISK for ship replacement.
In other words, ganking is away of making friends, a bit like walking upto a complete stranger in the street and punching them in the face, then telling them to keep their guard up incase they encounter a lowlife like @Ax_l_Thorne , but not to go ape and start up on the whole death threat cry fest.
@Kaizen_Oramara oh you are still around your own thread? impressive, since you are such a commited guy I will toss around something
If you have more than one omega account then in the slot #2 or #3 make a random alt just to travel with you in Corvette besides you, obviously it’s a scout, but also it should be in a Corvette in case you think you could get ganked at a gate or at a site or at a belt… then put safety red on the Corvette pilot and CONCORD it
If at a gate, CONCORD it shooting the gate before you uncloak your main, etc and so on… only uncloak your main after CONCORD is on grid killing your scout… then if someone points you this guy will get CONCORDED in a couple seconds and you are free
I have used this in the past and probably will use again in the future
See? This is why I have no love for multiboxing miners, they don’t do not even this… not even this!
They could bring the trash alt just to CONCORD itself against his mining ships and have CONCORD as personal bodyguards
In a 0.5 system, CONCORD at grid can kill around 8 to 12 attackers before the big CONCORD fleet arrive
When the alt’s security status goes to s*** just biomass it and make another
If antigankers and miners were serious they would do this at belts and gates, but they aren’t serious about defending themselves
Ganking needs no nerfs if you correctly use the already available game mechanics, this is not a bannable offense… the bannable offense is a thing you can do for triggering a bug which barely no one knows it exists and it won’t be me who will openly disclose it here
That is against rules. At least last time I wanted to do this with “real gank” char. GMs told me you must use tags or increase your security status via ratting otherwise you are exploiting the security status system. Of course, I bet ppls do this anyway and unless reported I bet nothing happens, but still.
Indeed, if you want to stop gankers, then any means necessary are allowed and rightful to do.
Arya suggested omega slot, but sure, right now you can do it with alpha and tilll it can be done there is no need to sacrifice omega slot for that. Which further raises her point that they can’t be bothered to do even that. Although it is mostly from ignorance - AGs still haven’t figured this out after years of crying about ganking because they are unwilling to try ganking themselves. So they never learned the rules and mechanics and thus they never realized how to turn them in their favor. Which is however understandable, because there is high chance they might actually like it and become gankers or they might realize they are spouting nonsenses and would have to adjust their stance - which they cannot risk.
People would rather ask reimbursement to CCP and have this outcry in the forums asking for gank nerfs and pve buffs, than using the actual mechanics the game always had
People always had CONCORD that is the most powerful entity in the game and they don’t use it, there’s miners with 10-20 accounts on highsec and they arent willing to have one alt in the slot #2 just to bring to the belt and concord it a couple times a day. They are mining in the same system, they don’t even have to travel a -10 around
Haulers could concord themselves with an skilless alt at Uedama gates, but instead Red Frog runs a bot army with many Gray Frogs watching gates and UedamaScout runs a second bot army receiving ISK, PLEX and real money
So the UedamaScout is in a RMT scheme, he runs bots for donations in dollars it is clearly stated in his channel he will use for paying the electricity bill for the machine running these bots and subscriptions are in dollars too and he takes PLEX for each bot. His RMT has botting and real money transfers for ingame actions, he is not a content provider like the other streamers and youtubers who teach EVE
The gank victims always had the upperhand in EVE and they chose not using it, they chose asking reimburements and nerfs on gank and buffs for PVE
Unfortunately, due to a number of abuses, many of these people have put in a lot of work you don’t see.
#1. They have multiple alts placed at various gates BEFORE you get ganked. These alts basically just scope out what’s coming through. They scan your fit. #2. When you warp into the gate, assume they already know who you are, where you’re coming from, what you’re carrying, and what your fit is. #3. They have a number of alts set up to blow you up, take your stuff, and warp off before CONCORD arrives. The most they will deal with is a hit to security status and a small wait for killing you. #4. If they really like what they see, one of them will use an interdictor bubble & web before you even get to the gate so you can’t just burn to the gate and warp off. #5. You won’t get away. You don’t have a way to outsmart them. There is no “trick”. You ■■■■■■ up 5 minutes before combat even began.
In general, the best advice is to ALWAYS be aware of:
Ships - People
Low-sec - Neighborhoods
Routes - Well known stations
You might think a harmless T1 ship idling by a gate in medium sec on your way through low sec is harmless. This is EVE, there are ships! But you haven’t quite tuned in to the cognates of places and things. Instead, think of seeing a little girl standing by an off ramp in a shitty neighborhood. Your common sense IMMEDIATELY tells you that something is out of place. You’d be right, because that throwaway ship is sitting there to scout ahead for the gang of thugs.
That’s when you can check “activity / deaths” in game on the star map ahead of you using in-game maps or Gatecheck. But you should know BEFORE you even go through a route with that much stuff what the road ahead looks like. Does the starmap taper into one system that interconnects other systems or major trade hubs? Huge red flag. There’s a system between Jita and Hek that is camped every single day.
Gate camps are done by people who have been playing this game for ages with max skills, have multiple alts, know the mechanics of CONCORD, and have gatecamped dozens of times. It’s like a bunch of thugs who live in a neighborhood and have camped a particular alley and mugged people for years. They grew up there, they’ve done every variation of it hundreds of times, you won’t outsmart or “plan” your way out of it. Best to just turn around when you see a little girl standing by an off ramp by herself.
They can’t warp off before CONCORD arrives (there are some very extreme edge cases that are rare). If CONCORD is going to arrive that is in highsec and aside from some very small situations, once they are criminal they can’t warp anywhere until they are CONCORDed.
bubbles don’t work in highsec or lowsec and CONCORD are too afraid to leave highsec. So anyone being caught in a bubble is in nullsec or a wormhole.
I’m sorry. To be clear, you think someone running a series of multibox scripts on a 24/7 computer to harass, destroy, and attack player ships is not a problem. You think the people that dislike this type of game exploitation and abuse are the problem? You feel that running a half dozen bots on popular thoroughfares with no actual players simply to bleed the game is a healthy, good thing in the game?