How do we backup our settings?

My computer frequently crashes which sometimes resets all of the ingame setting I have for Eve like the overview, all of the ui settings, even my chat channels.

Does anyone know a step by step guide to backing up our settings?


  • Press and hold the Windows key on your keyboard while pressing R (this will open a run window).
  • Copy and paste the following line into the run window: %LOCALAPPDATA%\CCP\EVE\
  • You should see a few folders there. One will be named after where your sharedCache folder is located on your hard drive such as (c_programdata_eve_sharedcache_tq_tranquility)
  • Copy the folder to another location on your hard drive.
  • If you lose your settings again copy the folder back and your settings should be restored to what they were when the folder was copied. If you make any changes to your settings, you should create a new backup.

So easy, thank you Mechanic.


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You’re very weccome

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