How does lone frigate tackle carrier (for any length of time)?

Scenario: Lets say some carrier is ratting some anom. In warps some frigate, orbits carrier close, tackles, then calls out for friends to help.

  1. I would have assumed (probably wrongly) that light fighters could kill a frigate in relatively short order. Is this correct or incorrect?

  2. I would also have assumed that light fighters could kill cruisers and heavy cruisers in relatively short order. Is this correct or incorrect?

That depends entirely on the ship that tackled you. A ceptor can be destroyed by light fighters if not flown correctly. Assault Frigates are a different caliber if flown and fitted properly. Some AF can be fitted in a way to be completely undestroyable by a poorly fitted carrier.

Light fighters should in fact apply DPS a lot better on cruisers, but Heavy Assault Cruisers and Hictors can have significant hit points, which means it will still take time to wear them down.

Assume carrier fit for tracking, maxed relevant skills, etc. Can it kill any tackling frigate in reasonably short order?

An interesting question. Can an AF outrun the fighters and slowly destroy them while being impossible to hit?

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