How powerful are you?

Oh gosh, another “measurement” thread by you. :partying_face:

We have seen it already. :yawning_face:


About this powerful…

Roar :cat2:

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And a little hut on the side selling expensive paper boats


Where i go, people die.

Mostly me.


Im suprised null seccers havnt jumped on this thread, after they are very powerfull, they destroy all content when they dock up.

I’m not :cry:

I am powerful enough to light a bulb.

I make an evaluation of the bpos I have.
value = NPC price + research time * 100k/h + research cost
research time is on a NS perfect structure with perfect skills, rigs, implants
research cost is on a 2% system with perfect structure, rigs.

I’m not the one who posts a new attention whore thread every day.


I find it best to let other people analyze your power first, so you can make a good look against yourself afterwards.


And yet you’re the one who reads them…more than me actually.


Nothing wrong with reading threads on the forum. Sometimes they’re interesting.

If I were a DED complex I’d be security threat 3.

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I’ll get one one of these days

You’ve responded to several people …
… each of which showing a different perspective depending on how they understood the question.

They’re all telling us something about the posters.
We’re not going to talk about that, though.

The first response comes from someone who’s observed your behaviour. You’ve brought his response one onto yourself, thanks to some former threads of yours. He - wrongly, I might add - interprets it as yet another one of those.

No. Your post tells me that you’re not really knowing how to formulate what you’re asking for. You know what you want to know, but the topic is too complex and unexplored for you to be put into better words.

What you want to know is how to measure and compare dicks.

The second respondent is completely missing the mark. He did not comprehend what you’re asking. Instead, he talks about his time in EVE and what it’s being worth to him.

The third one, Agrondray, seems to be misguided by the second.

Your own response to him shows that you two aren’t talking about the same thing,
with both of you not actually realising.

@F3ND1MUS, o/, maybe unintentionally, hit the nail on the head with his response and is the first person to actually respond “on topic”, shortly followed by Scoots Choco.

Lumukanda gets it.

  • @Wanda_Fayne gets it.

  • @Ellison_Onizuka gets it. … hey mate, you reap what you sow. “An eye for an eye” is the way to go.

  • DMC does what DMC usually does.
    He gets it, though.

  • FairyTail is …
    … a nice name.

  • @Ravid_Bheskagor wins this thread and I could stop here,
    but that’d be unfair to the other 19 I’ve not covered yet.

  • The Unbeatable SquirrelGirl! A gimmick-character. She gets it. Too bad Gadget’s not around yet.

  • @Uriel_the_Flame doesn’t require to be on topic.

  • Nana misses the mark. What bothers me is with this kind of response is that these people aren’t even giving you a fair chance. They dismiss it outright. I understand that in too many cases that’s just the way it goes, but that doesn’t justify such ignorance.

  • I don’t know what Runa is showing us. Looks like a tiny engine?

  • Mortlake gets it. How could he not.

  • Daichi gets it.

  • @Uriel_the_Flame … I’ve never watched GoT and never will,
    but this clip was actually good.

  • @Bernie_Nator shows quite the intellect. It’s indeed smart listening to what others have to say about ones self. Could indicate sociopathic tendencies, but could also mean he’s more mature than the rest. The rest being … well … most people … because most people are dumbasses who simply can’t take it.

  • Hurricane gets it … also it’s funny.
    … and that was the last one

This question isn’t really a question for most people. In other games, with lesser people, you’d probably not get half as many good responses and might even get attacked by all the weak minded losers who need to be Heros in videogames.

Considering that you’re interested in knowing how to “measure dick”,
allow me to help you by first asking you a question:



We just ask your mother. She know them all.

You’re right, that’s his question. Just he took the time to write it in a correct way : “what is your metric for achievement in Eve”.

read :

It’s actually a good question because for many people, the way they measure the achievement in Eve seems obvious. Until you discuss your taste you don’t realize there are others.

You are not helping. On the opposite, you are imposing your judgement on what people should think. You consider that there needs a reason you understand for this question, but the truth is, you have proven you are not mentally able to understand an opinion that is not yours.

Which seems to be the exact goal of this topic : gather opinions, without judging them.

Therefore, you are only polluting the thread.

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The above “person”, if you want to call it that,
publicly admitted being a trump supporter.

No point or use in talking to it.

It’s also a huge asshole.
I doubt that’s a coincidence.


Edit: Removed the “gaping” part from asshole and, wow, DMC liked my post!


@Solstice_Projekt thank for the compliment. I usually choose not to go about seeing how powerful I am, because I know what I can and cannot pull off. I know where I stand in the game, and dont need to boast about it.