IDK I rarely have to worry about “hostiles” as to the way I fly in game…
I wasnt referring to how well they defend themselves… lol mind you they are mining barges. what do you expect? drones and a shield extender wont save ANY mining operation from Code or gankers, or high sec war privateers… Moreover, mining barges are rather helpless. the way I counter their weakness is not with an orca or a fleet of corp mates in battlecruisers sitting on standby. Id rather be wise about choosing WHERE I mine, for one, and for two, WHO I am around…
wh is easy to isolate yourself, but you never know whos in system. In null sec or low sec, you have local… use it to your advantage. I guess if you are in high sec, and you get war deced a lot, or gankers are always flying round, then the ship is not your problem… you can choose to mine with a station if you want. yo uare putting yourself in harms way by undocking with hostiles nearby.
m3/sec wise, the hulk hands down, beats all mining barges out there. how do I defend them? by the fleet warp button, and my scouts who relay intel back to base for any upcoming connections, or locals, and I try to get this warning a jump or two out from where I am actually letting the birds out of the nest.
If you have to take into account more than m3/sec then I guess… maybe the other tankier ships are ideal, given they have a slightly less mining output, still high enough to profit from. Im not a big time industrial guy or whatnot, but I got several accounts for indy and I use them weekly, and have for years, and only have a few losses mining… its not because Im using super tanked mining barges, but because I use intelligence when setting up an operation… and I think in a particular way when doing so. Rarely, will anyone be in system, and if in a wh, there will be no open connections. When we mine in nullsec, we have an intel channel, and I tend to choose “the right system” despite where everyone else mines…
numbers to numbers, the mining barges have a slight difference in output, but a significant difference lies between the t1 and t2 versions…
of course the proc/skiff has a huge tank, for less mining output.
the retereiver and mackinaw have a huge ore hold… unlike the other barges.
covetor and hulk, give less tank, less ore hold, for more mining output.
these are to serve you best where you use them. I have a fleet of 6 miners, thats either one booster rorq or orca or porp. and 5 miners… or I can do dual rorq and 4 miners soon, upgrading one of my miners to make him a lead man and get the rorq so I can have sister rorq operations. Its more about how you use the tool you have.
I know just how difficult it is to sit and mine with no incidents in high sec… thats why I NEVER mine in high sec… lol… its more dangerous than mining in low sec systems surrounded by goons… provided you know how to evade, mislead, or misrepresent the locals. and null sec well is pretty awesome for rorqs…
For the young miners who feel they have to sit in high sec, id say to you, go out and stick with the t1 barges, and find you a 0 local system to set up indy operations in so you can provide for your fleet better protection, simpyl by removing them from the hostiles of high sec all together.
If you cant and have to stay, then choose the ship that benefits you the most for your situation, environment, etc. I make crazy m3/s with my setup. and it will double with the second rorq. pretty much the way you want to go anyway.