I left the game

I will never understand why people who are the most lazy, useless, stupid and stubborn get so much help from people. They make their choices, the choice of being incapable of getting better, the choice of refusing to listen or learn. Why pour all your efforts into those people?


I can only speak for myself. It is about two kinds of people:

  1. The OP: to show that change required must come from within. A change of attitude, perspective, or pushing one’s self. Confirming that there are no easy handouts, no cheerleading their wimpy attitude, but that there is a viable path that the community is much more supportive of. I want to be a part of that community instead of just flinging :poop:
  2. Future readers who would be OP: whether they search the forums or the forums appear in a Google Search, it’s best to just prevent the next thread about the same :poop: but those folks proactive enough to search are probably on the right track anyway. Helpful posts that are futile for the person at hand, are still useful for some people of the future.

I get random likes on old posts I’ve made, which occasionally happen, by people that are not forum regulars, so I’ve interpreted it as somewhat working. Maybe I’m interpreting wrong.

That I can fully understand, I love helping people (in fact trying to do so right now in GD) but at the same time I realise that some people can’t be helped and it’d be far better off putting my time and effort into helping someone else instead. I believe in choices and consequences, if someone chooses to be lazy, not listen, reason or learn then I will very happily let him rot (and in game I will very happily take advantage of people like that). To me people like this don’t deserve any help or attention.

I would think/hope that normal people who are new and have questions would also realise folks like this are clueless and beyond help.


Once again you slip up and forget that Zkillboard exists.

Zkillboard has a record showing you being zapped on December 20th 2012. So your account is actually 9.5 years old !

You must have vastly more SP than me in all that time. Yet in just 8 months of being in Eve I am worth billions and have a fleet of 200 or so battlecruisers, cruisers, etc, spread across Eve. I get more powerful by the day…and am not wasting my time on worthless Venture insurance scams that make less money than simply mining for ore.

You go on as if all noobs are doomed and its all so unfair…yet this particular noob has managed to achieve more in 8 months than you have in 10 years.


Remember if you don’t have a skill queue you don’t earn skill points

And if you don’t pay for omega you can only have a very short queue.

The posters zkill clearly shows no activity for a full 10 years. I very much doubt an active skill queue has been maintained in that gap.

It’s very possible that the poster Legitimately has way less skill points than you.

Sure, but then who’s fault is that ? He could have a 10 year advantage by now. My 3 Omega characters have 11m, 4m, and 1.2m points respectively…in 8 months. Ironically, my one Alpha account that only started in April has 2m SP…so is doing better than my third Omega character.

Fault doesn’t come into it. People take extended breaks form the game. It happens. Just because someone isnt logging in as frequently as you or me doesn’t make what they are doing wrong. Everyone plays at their own pace.

However in this case i suspect that even if we were dealing with another 80mill or 100mill SP we would be having the same conversation. No amount of SP can make up for lack of knowledge and such a defeatest mindset. This is not a skill point problem.

I take your point, but when someone moans about people who’ve been in the game a long time having some sort of advantage…well, they failed to take advantage of that longevity themselves. So I have zero sympathy.

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@andrew_Maulenrant I have to ask why you are fighting people that you feel you have no chance against?

Someone with piloting skills and who does not want to fight should be aligned and regularly looking at d-scan and local, ready to get out so that they do not get caught in the first place. (Check out Hateless_Gaming’s youtube guides on d scanning if you are not sure what I mean).

I get what you are saying andrew, a fight between a hungry fox and a little bunny is not a fair fight. So a smart rabbit is watchful and ready to run to the briar patch the minute they see the fox.

Even if you are a rabbit, be a smart rabbit and be aware of what is around you. Warp out to the briar patch the minute you think the wolves and foxes are coming.

That’s not true, I can’t remember how much you can put in the queue, but it’s definitely more than a few weeks of skills.

Not an excuse for not skill training.

The alpha skill training time limit was removed in a patch around September 2021.

  • Removed the 24-hours limit for the Alpha Training Queue.
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If only that was relevant to the guy in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.

Great contributions guys :slight_smile:

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A citation of what changed and when from an authoritative source is what I call a good contribution. It lets people like the two of you who both have valid but differing experiences reconcile those differences quickly, though you could have done so with less sarcasm by simply saying that CCP lifted the limit too recently to benefit the people who are the subject of your post.

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