I left the game

What the hell ship are you fitting up that does 25 damage xD a corvette? Yes there is a minimum sp threshold but its low 5mil is actually enough and even less if you specialize like this:

Also this was with before alpha’s could use t2 guns, so its even easier now.

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I disagree. There is no requirement for parity in this game. Success in EVE is its own problem and incentivises altruism for the purpose of content and competition.

let OP quit in peace. The mind-splinter of defeat is motivation enough for future machination / masochism.

You can take a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. A player like that guy’s attitude towards the game is a guaranteed fail. He found the excuse for his failing even before he tried. He shot himself in the foot.


you can take a horse to an empty trough and no matter how much it wants water it cant drink.the player with the skill point advantage has guns that shoot farther,hit harder,has attributes that mitigate damage,ship stats that amplify his modules advantages.thats why his guns hit for 225 while yours hit for 25.putting guns on your ship was a waste of time and does nothing to change the inevitable outcome of the contest.im able to acknowledge that this disparity is something i cant compensate for with any amount of skill.while the op didnt articulate this in the same way i have he too has come to the same conclusion.when i have a chance ill try until then ill be the easiest kill they ever had because no matter what i do the outcome would have been the same

But what’s the point of having 10m ISK worth of Republic Fleet Warrior in your drone bay if your ship itself can be taken out by a single shot ? A ship on which your T2 current router costs twice the value of the ship itself ! Dunno how you’ve managed to spend 44m on that setup…I spent just 23m ISK on a 450DPS, 31K EHP Thorax yesterday. For around 55m ISK you can have a really high ( 70 - 90 K depending on if you have a webifier, scram ) EHP Gnosis that delivers over 700 DPS.

you must have me confused with someone else.i use tier 1 hobs in my drone bay that i make 60 at a time.costs me nothing.i do have a vexor with better drones for pve content but i wont take it into a wh and i wont launch the better drones until ive lost all the hobs.
10 million for tier one drones?until a week ago i couldnt even fly a tier 2 warrior it makes no sense id put one in a throw away cruiser.meh strange

Who’d be stupid enough to lead a horse to an empty trough?
Don’t answer that.

There are exceptions where SP don’t determine the outcome but it’s clear that an inexperienced pilot will lose to a vet. It shouldn’t determine your strategy as a new player but that depends on how you view the game.
That perceived imbalance of yours is only what happens when you join a game that’s been on the market for 19 years. I accept that reality and move on to playing the game as a space adventure. I’m not going to jump into it expecting to live it up. CCP chose to make New Eden a harsh environment. I think it’s a good choice and what you perceived as a problem I see as opportunity for entertainment.
I’m just a lowly capsuleers barely a month old and I know I’m a small fish in a sea of sharks. The universe is big enough to make do and set up something over time that will complement my adventures. Meanwhile I have a lot to learn and I don’t think that feeling like a victim will help anything.
How do you see the game? That’s where all the differences are found between us.


Nope…it’s your zkillboard I was looking at. Your 71m ISK Thorax loss on May 6th.

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shall we be honest a second.you have a vested interest in perpetuating the illusion that skill is the overwhelming dictator of match’s.the alternative {and reality}is that game longevity and the numerical advantage you get because of it is why most players are victorious.dont be surprised when new players catch on and choose not to play or play in the manor that allows you to push your fantasy

You get that where when and what you lost is often in the public domain right? That in 30 seconds anyone can search you on zkill and see that what you have said here is incorrect.

For clarity republic fleet drones are not t2 drones.


If a second is only how long you can muster I don’t think it’s worth it.

I do?? Is that honesty you just mentioned? Just checking.

Well that’s wrong. I think you meant “predictor of matches” ( you’re welcome ) and no, there are a lot factors at play that determine outcome. I’m not going to enumerate them here, I don’t think you care anyway.

I think you’re the one living in a fantasy. Your reply is way off the mark. I agree on one thing, I don’t think EVE is a game for you.


I don’t know of any noobs who expect to be blasting entire systems in a Titan on day 1. Of course experience ( both in SP and literal actual experience ) takes time. Eve is no different in that respect to something like the Elder Scrolls games…where you start off as mere prisoner, with nothing at all. The whole purpose of Eve is that satisfaction of starting off lower than pond slime and working your way up through your own effort and perseverance. It is supposed to be hard !

Every single person who is now a big shot in the game was once in that lowly noob position…struggling with a Venture that made a pathetic amount per hour, or ratting in a Condor with just 25DPS. They stuck with it and persevered. And so should all those thinking of quitting cos the game is ‘too hard’ or whatever. It is that very hardness that makes ultimate success worthwhile.

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There is no point even responding to op he doesn’t take in anything at all he only believes what he wants to believe and nothing even hard cold pure logic and reasoning will not change his mind.

It’s like telling him something can be hot and cold at the same time and the response being that is impossible or some nonsense.


OP is smarter than everyone else, he knows Eve math and plays with Ventures.

Little does he realize the folks talking to him have 11-figure net worths and enjoy much of what Eve has to offer. As opposed to complaining about how unfair Eve math is (apparently everyone got past Eve math by some unseen space-magic).

I’m done with 'em.


if you’re going to be condescending at least be smarter then the person you’re ridiculing.you make my point for me.your longevity gave you youre fortune not skill.any boob that pays for an omega account long enough can be exactly where you are

That was not condescension, that was mockery. I suppose if I were to condescend, I would be more subtle. Longevity ??? Born: 2020.10.10

I’ve seen several personalities like yours in Eve. Self-important. Perpetually angry, disappointed and alone.

Here’s a simple numerical advantage you can get that doesn’t require time or money: find a friend or two and fly with them

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You could change that to read “… no chance with the experience point system”

Or “… gear system”
“… level system”
“…Loot box system”

What MMO is out there where a new player can join and instantly perform at the same level as a long time Vet? I need to know so I can never play that game.


Sorry to hear that, but EVE is really game that is not for everyone - it can be quite tought to start. Losing ships is part of the process, personally I was avoiding low-sec like the plague for first few months of my play. But I now got used to losing ships - you should think about it more like a strategy game, ships are assets that you loose and acquite, that is how it is…


Let me tell you a story,
I’m in a Corax, my friend is in a Cormorant. We do a mission and he fights off almost all NPC’s, I just fly slowly to the actual mission target and slowly shoot it. When everything is destroyed, he’s like we should duel! I can beat your ship lol. And I’m okay, let me fly close to you and we’ll dual. That hint apparently went over his head as I orbit him at 500 and … he does the same to me. My torpedoes hit him hard and his hybrid turrets mostly miss me. He has more skills than me and if he knew to make distance he would have easily won the battle. So he becomes unsure and asks me to stop shooting as he’s going low in armor. I’m like ok, going to swap my ship and I’m off to a station. Then he asks how is it possible that he, with all his guns did so little damage. And I told him his tracking was the issue, so he had to make distance and if necessary add some modules. Those actions would have increased his chances of winning but since he didn’t tackle me, I could have easily just warped off.

This game isn’t a simple linear game. When I started off, I kept skilling and wanting bigger and bigger ships until I started to see that bigger isn’t necessarily better. What you need, and this is usually the issue is the right tool for the job. Yes, you can hammer a srew in something but that doesn’t mean a screwdriver is worthless.

Same goes with situations you find yourself in. Ask people for knowledge. Some are bad people and can lead you into failure but there are very great player organized things like “EVE University” that will teach you a lot of the game’s potential. Learn, adapt, overcome. And even then it will remain a challenge. Every plan you make, try it out, learn from the experience and either become better or quit. If the game doesn’t improve you there is no need to play it, there are many mind numbing games that could potentially also release your daily does of endorphins.

When you choose to play EVE Online, you entered a big world with so many possibilities. You might be overwhelmed at first, but stick around or take a break and come back later, when you have the time and effort and have another go at it. There is no shame to flush down washout lane once in a while, it’s all about coming back and doing it better. Just like in real life.

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