I left the game

There’s patch notes and forum threads. This idea that the new player is left to his own demise isn’t true.

I don’t know but when I download a game it means I’m interested and ready to invest time to catch up on certain things like how to play. A couple of videos can tell a lot about a game.

Everyone is free to come and go as they wish. The ball is in CCP’s camp to exploit the game’s potential and it doesn’t look like they’re ready to take suggestions and Player Retention shemes aren’t going to change anyone’s mind once it’s already made up.


I think what you need to do is stay in the gamer, would you like some free isk to recover some of those losses?

There are many people way way space richer than Frostpacker though over the past month Frostpacker refused to pay any more highsec fines or fees and so there are way way too much isk on those pilots \o/

120 million ISK and 80 million ISK lost.

There you go, let’s follow some of the tips and advise you had been given above. Take the time to think about your future in New Eden and please stop getting upset over a game. Which ever way you decide think of this as a small and once only gift.


i did that because no matter how i fitted a ship it was mathematically impossible for me to compete and collecting insurance was the only way to get pvp to pay.abysal space is mathamatically set for people that have 10 times the skill points i have.im not going to win no matter what i do.its just math.so ill pew pew and lose to pve and ill take naked ships into lowsec to collect insurance and fulfill my role as content for older players to torture

That is not how any of that works but given the severity and pervasiveness of your lack of understanding im not even going to bother.

So then, who here in this thread would honestly (don’t lie now) think a player like this guy would have been helped if only ccp forcefed him the wiki or any other “solutions” mentioned in this thread. All of you who SAY they care so much about newbies and retention (but weirdly never see them helping in rookie), who’s going to step up and pinpoint what this guy should do differently or what ccp should have done to give mr. Baldrick here a cunning plan.


Rookie chat is open and most pilots ask their questions there. I think that is the best place for new pilots to get to know and understand the dangers in New Eden.


plan?id say he has a keen perception of the reality of the math thats against him.alter your game play and expectations in accordance to the math or quit.new players have no chance with the skill point system

Eve doesn’t work like that mate, skill and knowledge > sp, spend time gaining knowledge and experience and the isk and sp will flow in on its own. Some one with 10mil sp can beat someone wil 100mil sp it is posible.

(was in low structure was a close fight)
This guy started his char in 2017.07.01 my char started in 2022.02.20 its also 1 ship class up. Eve is a very technical game where there is a lot of factors, don’t worry about low sp just make sure to find a ship line you like and specialize.


If they could think they’d be very upset.


That is not how PVP works and I’m currently roaming in a T1 Minmatar Frigate with only Minmatar Frigate 3 trained.


You seem to have a defeatist attitude, flying as if you have already lost.

That is not what people mesn when they say 'consider your ship already lost once you undock’. The intention is that you need to have made peace with losing the ship, but also that you still try to make the best of it.

You don’t seem to be doing the latter - you consider any encounter already lost, based on your lack of skillpoints. Which is a self-fulfilling prophecy: your skills as player (not SP) will not go up if you blame the losses on lack of skillpoints. And without improving your skill as player you will likely keep losing fights.

Gaining SP won’t change much about that, except maybe your perception. But you don’t need SP to change your perception and to improve.


After looking at Zkillboard…

Heck…you managed to lose 7 Ventures in the space of 1 hour, which is probably a record for Eve, and not one of those Venture had any shielding at all, and the game is to blame ?

In fact why are you even bothering to mine in a 0.4 system with just Mining Laser 1 and no mining upgrade…when you could likely make more mining in 0.5 ( and have a degree of Concord protection ) with Mining Laser II and Mining Upgrade II…and some shields would make you less vulnerable to any passing NPC.

I was a total noob 8 months ago and I’m still mining in the same Venture I started with and have never yet lost a mining ship.


what i see are a lot of players that dont understand the math involved in the game.its why your tier one ship with the best fit possible hits for 25 while your opponents tier 2 ship hits you for 225.no amount of play style or ability is going to change the intentional disparity in outcomes created by the math/ie skill points.you can pretend thats not the case if it makes you feel better.im just not capable of that much self deception

What kind of maths has you going out in a Venture with no shields, and no mining upgrade ?

Just as a matter of interest…what ISK were you actually making in that system that made losing 7 Ventures in one hour worthwhile ? Judging by your cargo content when you were zapped…you were not making much. You’d be better off mining some 0.8 system asteroid belt, which would make 1.5m ISK an hour or so.


by maxing out insurance you make a little over 202000 isk per destroyed venture.it costs you about 60k to insure it.since i make the ship and mining lasers myself using minerals i mine myself it costs me nothing.killing me yields my tormenters nothing but a mining laser or two that are virtually impossible to sell.i on the other hand i make a profit of 130k.putting shields or any other device on the ship cuts into my insurance payment and rewards the jerks that killed me with loot.its not going to change the outcome of the engagement. I take a thorax into .4 space with nothing but drones to kill pirates knowing i might be able to kill a few before some hotshot in a tier 2 ship kills me.if i outfit the cruiser with the best of everything i can manage the outcome is the same.im dead and slick gets loot or i can give them nothing and pocket a few million from insurance

But even losing 7 Ventures an hour as you have done that’s 910K ISK an hour…yet you could use a Venture to mine some asteroid belt in a 0.8 system and make 1.5m ISK an hour.

Methinks your cunning Baldrick plan is worse off than simply using the mining ship to…er…mine.

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you cant get nocxium in a .8 system.if it werent for that id never go into low sec.wormholes have all the other minerals i need.

Yes, but you need to literally be losing a Venture every 5 minutes to ‘make’ what you could get by simply mining for Veldspar…with one of those Ventures.

Excuse me if I find your plan just a little wacky.


You will not advance your game in Eve by attaching yourself to an insurance scratching scheme. Did you look into joining a Corp ? Mining in fleets with boosts helps plenty. Ship replacement programs; mission running; pvp roams all help too. Many corps have pvp roams into low and null sec and the FC gives you the dang ship.

Quit worrying about the fact you have low skill points. EVERYBODY started with low skills snowflake. You ain’t special.


Mission running in fleets changed the game for me. Getting on coms with friends; seeing how others fit their ships; how they aggress the enemy by brawling or sniping; see all types of equipment in action. You are missing out by spinning your wheels with ventures trying to scrape 20K isk on the insurance.

Stop what you are doing, find a good corp and in three months you will be playing a completely different game and falling asleep thinking about what you’ll do next.


@andrew_Maulenrant what are you doing? Please just stop throwing good isk after bad. I seem to recall replying to you in a similar thread a few weeks ago so I apologise if this is just a repetition of what i said before. But honestly if it is…….It needs to be said again.

If you can’t mine safely in low sec then don’t mine in low-sec. You don’t need to. The whole I need to get that Nocxium myself is a fallacy and honestly for newer players doesn’t make much economic sense. Why? Because without really good reprocessing skills the Ore itself will be worth more than the materials that its refined into. You are actually better off in many cases selling the ore and buying the mats.

With that in mind wouldn’t it be safer, more profitable and less frustrating to limit your mining to safer areas until you are more confident in your skills (both sp and flying ability). That way you can mine far safer and obtain a surplus of high sec ores. You can refine what you need for trit, pyr and mex and then compress the rest, sell it and use the proceeds to purchase the other materials you need. It isn’t end game efficient but it works and avoids these situations where you are just losing ships and refusing to fit them properly.

As far as I am concerned this essentially solves your Nocx problem and leaves you far better off in terms of isk than what you are currently doing.

As for the Abyss element of this……

I am taking from what you have written you are using kestrals in the abyss? I feel duty bound to remind you that the frigate abyss is designed and balanced around being content for 3 capsuleers. A tranquil content is very easy content for a group of three. A calm filament is easy content for a group of 3 people and so on.

While these can be run solo they are not intended to be. A well fit kestrel will be able to solo some abyss tiers and weathers but that does require as you pointed out …………better skills. But that isnt just skill points……It’s also understanding how the weather of a filament effects your fit……how to position based on the range of certain dangerous enemies and understanding which ships are target priority in order to avoid getting yourself neuted out or webbed into oblivion. In short even at lower tiers solo frigate abyss is verging on end game content. I do it often and will still lose an assault frigate occasionally even in calm (t1) filament just because sometimes a room spawn sucks or i don’t react quick enough and get slingshotted out of the area etc.

If you run frigate abyss in a group of 3 as intended i think you will find that its good content for players of all levels.

In both of these cases (the mining and the abyss) the problem seems to be you trying to be too self sufficient. This is an MMO. Co-operative play is encouraged and far more rewarding. Trying to do everything yourself is like trying to start a game you have never played before on “nightmare”.

But out of all the things you have said this is the thing that really got my attention.

Why would you devalue your time in such a way? These materials are not free. They cost you your game time and the cost of the ships lost in order to get the materials. Thinking about these things as free when your time could be used in a far more productive way than building ventures to lose them in a deafest cycle is a flawed way of thinking.

If you weren’t losing the ventures your time wouldn’t be spent replacing them and therefore your time would be getting spent making isk instead of replacing lost isk.

A mindset change is what is needed.