I was also a CODE. space bully

TL;DR: CODE creates drama content, useless miners whine and cry about any content that isn’t menial farming tasks because they don’t understand “don’t feed the troll”.


Don’t forget the whole “James left/was planning on leaving CODE/had control of CODE usurped by Aiko” and the main CODE website is the new “James blog” that penis is openly controlled and written by Aiko rather than James




That was a surprise for Destiny. You spoiled the surprise.

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Is the $20,000 thing really true? Doesn’t CCP have some sort of purchase limitation in place? I haven’t seen such a waste of money on a game since I busted my boat to a straight flush on the turn to some dumb British guy. Also still not sure who or what Sievert is.

sum1 pls send halp


This was an easter egg not a… that

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Two Easter eggs and a surprise!


It’s true in Sievert’s mind, yes. That’s all that matters.


I love it. Mmm.


Tbf there was a mockumentary on Discovery channel that aired when the movie came out.

I was an impressionable youth.

Because I knew you had the power to get james to revoke my SRP? I said that to throw you off the trial.

Are you ok?

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They don’t. CCP is a piece of ■■■■ company trying to kill off this game and scam people out of as much money as possible first. They allow 3rd party sellers to ignore the limits.

Sorry, but if you spend $20k on video game items you have only yourself to blame, CCP didn’t make you that stupid or desperate.

(Unless of course you’re so rich that $20k is nothing, but you won’t see those people whining on the forums about it.)

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taking about niarja and eve echoes

Niarja is a great change. Lazy farmers lose and ragequit, smart players gain new opportunities to exploit. My only objection is that the change involves scripted NPCs at the expense of player agency, favoring theme park design over the PvP sandbox.

I don’t care one bit about CCP’s F2P mobile trash, it has nothing to do with EVE.

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They are obviously trying to kill off the hi sec players and move them to eve echoes. Niarja final lim within 2 weeks of echoes release Loooool

And? The players who would make that change are useless parasites anyway, EVE doesn’t need or want them.


{citation needed}